JVM Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - Version 4.23, by Dr. Herong Yang
HotSpot Default Garbage Collector - Serial Collector
This section describes basic steps of a Tenured Generation Collection, also called a Full Collection, which uses a simple 3-step Mark-Sweep-Compact algorithm on the entire Tenured Generation.
In previous two sections, we learned the 3-area (Eden, Survivor Space "From" and Survivor Space "To") algorithm used in Minor Collection and the 3-step (Mark, Sweep and Compact) algorithm used in the Full collection. When using them together with the 2-generation (Young Generation and Tenured Generation) architecture used in the Heap, we have our first complete garbage collector model, which is referred as the Serial Collector.
What Is Serial Collector? Serial Collector is the default garbage collector used in HotSpot Client version since 1.5. I gathered the following information about Serial Collector from Oracle documentations:
Last update: 2014.
Table of Contents
Downloading and Installing JDK 1.8.0 on Windows
Downloading and Installing JDK 1.7.0 on Windows
java.lang.Runtime Class - The JVM Instance
java.lang.System Class - The Operating System
ClassLoader Class - Class Loaders
Class Class - Class Reflections
JRockit JVM 28.2.7 by Oracle Corporation
►Memory Management and Garbage Collectors
Memory Management General Rules
Java Exception: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
OutOfMemoryError Comparison of HotSpot and JRockit
Garbage Collection Demonstration
JVM Memory Manager - Garbage Collector
Generational Garbage Collection in HotSpot
Young Generation Collection - Minor Collection
Tenured Generation Collection - Full Collection
►HotSpot Default Garbage Collector - Serial Collector
"-XX:+PrintGCDetails" - Garbage Collection Logging
GC Log Messages on GarbageCollection.java
Serial, Parallel, Concurrent, and Regionalized Collectors
Parallel Collector GC Log Message Format
Parallel Compacting Collector GC Log Message Format
Concurrent Mark-Sweep Collector GC Log Message Format
Garbage First GC Log Message Format
JVM Stack, Frame and Stack Overflow
Thread Testing Program and Result
CPU Impact of Multi-Thread Applications
I/O Impact of Multi-Thread Applications
Micro Benchmark Runner and JVM Options
Micro Benchmark Tests on "int" Operations
Micro Benchmark Tests on "long" Operations
Micro Benchmark Tests in JIT Compilation Mode