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"obabel -a..." - Extra Options for Input Reading
This section provides a tutorial example on how to pass extra options to Open Babel 'obabel' command for reading molecule data in a specific format.
2022-10-01, 173🔥, 0💬

sys.modules - Listing Loaded Modules
This section provides a tutorial example on how to list modules already loaded in the memory cache, using the 'sys.modules' attribute.
2022-10-01, 173🔥, 0💬

DriverManager - Loading JDBC Driver
This section describes how to load a JDBC driver and register it with DriverManager.
2022-10-01, 173🔥, 0💬

Getting Driver and Server Information
This section describes how to get JDBC driver and database information through the DatabaseMetaData object.
2022-10-01, 173🔥, 0💬

Retrieving CLOB Values with getCharacterStream() Method
This section describes how to retrieve CLOB values with the ResultSet.getCharacterStream() method.
2022-10-01, 173🔥, 0💬

Installing Application to Phone using "ant installd" Command
This section provides a tutorial example on how to install the debug package of my 'HelloAndroid' application to my LG-P925g phone using the 'ant installd' command through the USB debugging interface.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

java.time.ZonedDateTime Usage Examples
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the java.time.ZonedDateTime class to record and manipulate date and time local to specific timezones. Operations on java.time.ZonedDateTime objects respect ISO 8601 calendar rules and local timezone rules.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

"if" Statements
This section describes 4 forms of 'if' statements supported in PHP. The more complex form is 'if ... elseif ... else'.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

PHP Version Pre-Installed on CentOS 6
This section provides notes to verify PHP version supported on CentOS 6.0 and run a simple PHP interactive scripting session.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Review Private Key of My CA Certificate on macOS
This section provides a tutorial example on how to review my private and public key pair that was used in my self-signed root CA certificate on macOS using Keychain Access.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

javax.swing.JCheckBox and Related Methods
This section describes the javax.swing.JCheckBox class, and its commonly used methods.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Archived: Using SAX Implementation Provided in JDK 1.4
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the SAX interface included in JDK 1.4, which actually uses SAX implementation provided by the org.apache.crimson package.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

exec() - Executing Operating System Commands
This section provides a tutorial example on how to calculate memory usage of a large array.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Example Program of Using the gc() Method
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the garbage collection method gc() on the default Runtime object to test object references and memory usages.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Thread Test on JRockit 28.7
This section provides a tutorial example to see how many running threads can be supported on JRockit R28.2.7 JVMs.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Information of JSP Execution Context
This section provides a tutorial example on how to obtain information from the JSP execution context environment through 'session' and 'application' implicit object provided by the JSP container.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Managing Cookies in JSP Pages
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on managing cookies in JSP pages. Topics include what is a cookie; sending and receiving cookies in JSP pages; what is persistent cookies; setting cookie properties; dumping HTTP response.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

GetGMTbyCountry - Response Message Sample
This section provides a response message sample of GetGMTbyCountry Web service.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Discontinued: GetAirportInformationByCountry - Get Airport Code by Country
This chapter provides a quick introduction of the free Web service, GetAirportInformationByCountry ,returning a list of all airports and their detailed information of the given country. Topics include usage description of GetAirportInformationByCountry ;request message sample; response message sampl...
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

TitleCaseWordsWithToken - Words to Title Case Format
This chapter provides a quick introduction of the free Web service, TitleCaseWordsWithToken, converting words to title case format. Topics include usage description of TitleCaseWordsWithToken; request message sample; response message sample.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

PHP Script Source Code File Format
This section describes the PHP script source code file format - A text file with PHP code segments mixed into non-PHP text. The most common way to mix PHP codes is to use the PHP processing tag '?php'.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

What Is Multithreading?
This section describes what is multithreading - a behavior of an application program where multiple instances of codes are executed simultaneously within the application. C# supports multithreading application development.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Build Ethereum Private Network Properly
This section describes how to build a new Ethereum private network properly.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

Archived: Calculate Rewards with ethereumfaucet.info
This section describes how to calculate rewards with ethereumfaucet.info.
2022-10-01, 172🔥, 0💬

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