Network Connection List with FPort v2.0

This section describes a free security protection tool from McAfee called FPort v2.0, which lists all network connections and their programs.

McAfee also offers another free security protection tool called Fport, which helps you to identify unknown open ports and their associated applications.

Fport v2.0 supports Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Fport v2.0 reports all open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the owning application. This is the same information you would see using the 'netstat -an' command, but it also maps those ports to running processes with the PID, process name and path. Fport can be used to quickly identify unknown open ports and their associated applications.

Here is an example session of Fport v2.0:

FPort v2.0 - TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper

Pid Process Port Proto Path
392 svchost -> 135 TCP C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe
8 System -> 139 TCP
8 System -> 445 TCP
508 MSTask -> 1025 TCP C:\WINNT\system32\MSTask.exe
392 svchost -> 135 UDP C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe
8 System -> 137 UDP
8 System -> 138 UDP
8 System -> 445 UDP
224 lsass -> 500 UDP C:\WINNT\system32\lsass.exe
212 services -> 1026 UDP C:\WINNT\system32\services.exe

You can download Fport 2.0 from

Table of Contents

 About This Windows Security Book

 Windows 8: System Security Review

 Windows 8: System Security Protection

 Windows 8 System Recovery

 Windows 8 Defender for Real-Time Protection

 Windows 7: System Security Review

 Windows 7: System Security Protection

 Windows 7 System Recovery

 Windows 7 Forefront Client Security

 Norton Power Eraser - Anti-Virus Scan Tool

McAfee Virus and Malware Protection Tools

 What Is McAfee Security Scan Plus?

 Manual Scan with McAfee Security Scan Plus

Network Connection List with FPort v2.0

 What Is McAfee VirusScan Enterprise?

 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i Services

 VirusScan Enterprise Startup Programs

 VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0i Log Files

 OnAccessScanLog.txt Log File

 EngQQ2005Formal.exe and Adware Trojan

 Running VirusScan On-Demand Scan

 Spybot - Spyware Blocker, Detection and Removal

 Keeping Firefox Secure

 Keeping IE (Internet Explorer) Secure

 Malware (Adware, Spyware, Trojan, Worm, and Virus)

 HijackThis - Browser Hijacker Diagnosis Tool

 IE Add-on Program Listing and Removal

 "Conduit Search" - Malware Detection and Removal

 "Tube Dimmer", "Scorpion Saver" or "Adpeak" Malware

 Malware Manual Removal Experience

 Vundo (VirtuMonde/VirtuMundo) - vtsts.dll Removal

 Trojan and Malware "Puper" Description and Removal

 VSToolbar (VSAdd-in.dll) - Description and Removal

 PWS (Password Stealer) Trojan Infection Removal

 MS08-001 Vulnerability on Windows Systems

 Antivirus System PRO


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