What Is UML (Unified Model Language)

This section describes UML (Unified Model Language), which is a general-purpose modeling language that provides a standard way to model a system with the help of structural and behavioral diagrams.

What Is UML (Unified Modeling Language)? UML is a general-purpose modeling language that provides a standard way to model a system with the help of structural and behavioral diagrams.

UML was originally developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh at Rational Software in 1994 to help in software design. Later, UML was adopted OMG (Object Management Group) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

Versions and release dates of the UML specification:

2.4.1   August 2011
2.4     March 2011
2.3     May 2010
2.2     February 2009
2.1.2   November 2007
2.1.1   August 2007
2.0     July 2005
1.5     March 2003
1.4     September 2001
1.3     March 2000

For more information on UML specifications, see the UML official Web site at http://www.uml.org/.

Table of Contents

 About This UML Tutorial Book

Introduction of UML (Unified Model Language)

What Is UML (Unified Model Language)

 UML Diagrams

 UML Class Diagram and Notations

 UML Activity Diagram and Notations

 UML Sequence Diagram and Notations

 UML State Machine Diagram and Notations

 UML Use Case Diagram and Notations

 LibreOffice Drawing Extension - UML Elements

 MS Visio 2010 - UML Drawing Tool


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