File Input and Output for DataFrame

This section describes pandas.DataFrame/pandas.core.frame.DataFrame class, which represents a table of data with rows and columns.

Examples of reading tab delimited text files:

df = pd.read_csv("my_data.txt", sep="\t")

Other parameters:
  error_bad_lines=False    - Skipping bad lines
  usecols=[...]           - Reading giving columns only
  encoding="UTF-8"        - Specifying encoding
  header=None             - No header line

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Running Python Code Online

 Python on macOS Computers

 Python on Linux Computers

 Built-in Data Types

 Variables, Operations and Expressions

 Statements - Execution Units

 Function Statement and Function Call

 Iterators, Generators and List Comprehensions

 Classes and Instances

 Modules and Module Files

 Packages and Package Directories

 "sys" and "os" Modules

 "pathlib" - Object-Oriented Filesystem Paths

 "pip" - Package Installer for Python - Python Libraries for Science

pandas - Data Analysis and Manipulation

 What Is 'pandas'

 pandas.DataFrame/pandas.core.frame.DataFrame - The Table Class

 pandas.core.series.Series - The Column Class

File Input and Output for DataFrame

 Anaconda - Python Environment Manager

 Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab


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