Python Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v2.15, by Herong Yang
What Is Operation
This section provides a quick introduction operations. An operation is a sequence of lexical tokens in Python source code that invokes a predefined action on one or two data objects.
What Is Operation? An operation is a sequence of lexical tokens in Python source code that invokes a predefined action on one or two data objects.
A typical operation has 3 components which are written in this syntax:
operand_1 operator operand_2 where: operand_1 is the first object involved in this operation operand_2 is the second object involved in this operation operator is the symbolic name of this operation
Notes on the above operation syntax:
1. The action of the operation is determined based on the operand object type and the operator symbolic name. For example:
# an "add" operation generating a new "int" object # by adding two "int" objects >>> 10 + 5 15 # a "concatenation" operation generating a new "str" object # by concatenating two "str" objects >>> "pine" + "apple" 'pineapple'
2. If an operation only requires one operand object, it is called a unary operation, which is written in this syntax:
operator operand where: operand is the object involved in this operation operator is the symbolic name of this operation
For example:
>>> x = 9.8 # "-" is the negation operator on "float" objects >>> - x -9.8 # "not" is the NOT operator on "bool" objects >>> not True False # "~" is the Bitwise NOT operator on "int" objects >>> ~ 10 -11
3. Whitespaces between operator and operands are optional. For example:
>>> 10 + 5 15 >>> 10+ 5 15 >>> 10 +5 15
To know what operations are supported for a given data type, you need to read the data type reference document. Visit "Built-in Types" document Website at to see all operations supported for each built-in data type.
Table of Contents
►Variables, Operations and Expressions
Conditional Expression - Ternary Operation
Assignment Expression - Walrus Operation
Function Statement and Function Call
List, Set and Dictionary Comprehensions
Packages and Package Directories
"pathlib" - Object-Oriented Filesystem Paths
"pip" - Package Installer for Python - Python Libraries for Science
pandas - Data Analysis and Manipulation
Anaconda - Python Environment Manager