Share Conda Environment with Others

This section provides a tutorial example on how to share Conda environments with other users. 2 examples are provided: sharing personal environment in a group, and sharing system environment with everyone.

How To Share Conda Environments with Other Users? There are several ways to share a Conda environment with another user:

1. Open your personal Conda environment for others to use. For example, here is how share my "graph" environment with Joe who is in the "it" group.

herong$ chgrp -R it /home/herong/anaconda3/envs/graph

herong$ chmod -R 770 /home/herong/anaconda3/envs/graph

herong$ ls -l /home/herong/anaconda3/envs
  drwxrwx---.  3 herong it  24 Jul 30 11:09 graph

Then ask Joe to add "/home/herong/anaconda3/envs/" to his Conda configuration file.

joe$ conda config --add envs_dirs /home/herong/anaconda3/envs

joe$ conda info --env
# conda environments:
graph                    /home/herong/anaconda3/envs/graph

2. Install Conda environments at the system level and share them with everyone on the system. By default, Conda uses "/usr/local/anaconda3" as the system home directory.

herong$ echo $PATH

herong$ sudo /usr/local/anaconda3/condabin/conda create -n math
  ## Package Plan ##
    environment location: /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/math
Proceed ([y]/n)? y

herong$ conda info --env
  base             *  /usr/local/anaconda3
  math                /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/math

herong$ ls -l /usr/local/anaconda3/envs
  drwxr-sr-x.  3 root   root   24 Jul  13 20:44 math

Share it with all users. Note that "write" permission is needed, since some Python scripts create temporary files in the Conda environment directory.

herong$ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/math

herong$ ls -l /usr/local/anaconda3/envs
  drwxrwxrwx.  3 root   root   24 Jul  13 20:44 math

Then ask Joe to add "/usr/local/anaconda3/envs" to his Conda configuration file.

joe$ conda config --add envs_dirs //usr/local/anaconda3/envs

joe$ conda info --env
# conda environments:
graph                    /home/herong/anaconda3/envs/graph
math                     /usr/local/anaconda3/envs/math

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Running Python Code Online

 Python on macOS Computers

 Python on Linux Computers

 Built-in Data Types

 Variables, Operations and Expressions

 Statements - Execution Units

 Function Statement and Function Call

 Iterators, Generators and List Comprehensions

 Classes and Instances

 Modules and Module Files

 Packages and Package Directories

 "sys" and "os" Modules

 "pathlib" - Object-Oriented Filesystem Paths

 "pip" - Package Installer for Python - Python Libraries for Science

 pandas - Data Analysis and Manipulation

Anaconda - Python Environment Manager

 What Is Anaconda

 Install Miniconda 3

 Introduction to Conda Environment

 Conda Configuration Files

Share Conda Environment with Others

 Manage Packages in Conda Environment

 Run Conda Environment Command in Background

 Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB