A Simple Email Message Example

This section provides a simple email message example without using the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) protocol.

The most common use of S/MIME is secure emails. To understand how S/MIME can be used to secure emails, I want to show you how a simple email message looks like, when it is delivered over the Internet.

Here is an example email message copied from an article on about.com:

Received: by sphinx (mbox mlande) (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1...
X-From_: bob@internet.com Wed Aug 20 19:40:22 2003
Return-Path: <bob@internet.com>
Received: from psmtp.com (exprod5mx37.postini.com [])...
Message-Id: <200308210240.h7L2e5A0016623@sphinx.got.net>
Received: from source ([]) by exprod5mx37.postini.com ...
From: "Bob Example" <bob@internet.com>
To: "Alice Example" <alice@internet.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 16:02:43 -0500
Subject: Test message

Hello Alice.
This is a test message with some header fields and 5 lines in the
message body.
Your friend,

Notice that MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) protocol is not used in this simple email message.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

 Introduction of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

 Using HTTPS with Google Chrome

 Using HTTPS with Mozilla Firefox

 HTTPS with Microsoft Edge

 Using HTTPS with Apple Safari

 HTTPS with IE (Internet Explorer)

 Android and Server Certificate

 iPhone and Server Certificate

 Windows Certificate Stores and Console

 RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and Server Certificate

 macOS Certificate Stores and Keychain Access

 Perl Scripts Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 PHP Scripts Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 Java Programs Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 .NET Programs Communicating with HTTPS Servers

 CAcert.org - Root CA Offering Free Certificates

 PKI CA Administration - Issuing Certificates

 Comodo Free Personal Certificate

 Digital Signature - Microsoft Word

 Digital Signature - OpenOffice.org 3

S/MIME and Email Security

 What Is S/MIME

 Digital Signature Scheme for Email Messages

A Simple Email Message Example

 Email Messages with Attachments using MIME

 Email Messages with Digital Signatures using S/MIME

 Encrypted Email Messages using S/MIME

 Digital Signature and Encryption in Outlook

 Email Security Settings in Outlook

 Valid Certificate Required in Outlook

 Message Security Properties in Outlook 2007

 Firefox Extension - Gmail S/MIME

 PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Terminology

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB