What Is Java KeyStore File?

This section provides a quick introduction of 'keystore' - a database file used to store private keys and public key certificates. 'keystore' file can be managed by the KeyStore class or the 'keytool' command.

What Is Java KeyStore File? - A Java KeyStore file is a database file used by Java applications to store self-signed certificates with matching private/public key pairs and other certificates.

Main features of Java KeyStore files are:

Java KeyStore files can be managed by the "keytool" command provided in the JDK (Java Development Kit).

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

 Introduction of PKI Certificate

 PKI Certificate File Formats

 OpenSSL - Cryptography Toolkit

 "openssl ca" - CA (Certificate Authority) Tool

Java "keytool" Commands and KeyStore Files

What Is Java KeyStore File?

 "keytool" - Key and Certificate Management Tool

 "keytool -genkeypair" - Generate Key with Self-Signed Certificate

 "keytool -export/import" - Export and Import Certificates

 "keytool -keyclone" - Clone Self-Signed Certificate with New Identity

 "keytool -certreq" - Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

 "keytool -gencert" - Sign CSR with CA certificate

 "keytool -gencert -ext" - Sign CSR with X.509 Extensions

 Export Key Pair using "keytool -importkeystore"

 PKI Certificate Store

 PKCS12 Certificate Bundle File

 PKCS7 Certificate Chain File

 PKI Certificate Related Terminology


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