PKI Certificate File Formats

This chapter provides a quick introduction of PKI certificate file formats. Topics include ASN.1 standard; BER and DER encodings; PKI certificates in DER or PEM file formats; PKI certificate decoders and ASN.1 parsers.

What Is ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)

What Is BER (Basic Encoding Rules)

BER Encoding Examples

ASN.1 Type Modifier - Type Tagging

What Is DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules)

PKI Certificate Structure in ASN.1 Notations

PKI Certificate in DER Format

PKI Certificate in Base64 Format

PKI Certificate in PEM Format

PKI Certificate File Viewer and Decoder

PKI Certificate File ASN.1 Parser


Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

 Introduction of PKI Certificate

PKI Certificate File Formats

 OpenSSL - Cryptography Toolkit

 "openssl ca" - CA (Certificate Authority) Tool

 Java "keytool" Commands and KeyStore Files

 PKI Certificate Store

 PKCS12 Certificate Bundle File

 PKCS7 Certificate Chain File

 PKI Certificate Related Terminology


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