BER Encoding Examples

This section provides BER encoding examples of some simple ASN.1 structured values.

After the main encoding rules, let's look at some examples of BER (Basic Encoding Rules) encoded output of ASN.1 data values.

First we need to learn the ASN.1 notation syntax to specify values of constructed types:

value-id type-name ::= SEQUENCE | SET {
  member-id value,
  member-id value,
  member-id value

  value-id - Specifies a unique identifier for given constructed value
  type-name - Specifies the name of a given constructed type
  member-id - Specifies the identifier of the given member value
  value - Specifies a literial value or a value ID for given member

Follow the above notation syntax, we can specify few examples of ANS.1 data values:

screenCenter Point ::= {
  x 320,
  y 240

smallSquare Square ::= {
  size 10,
  location screenCenter,

largeSquare Square ::= {
  size 200,
  location screenCenter,

Obvously, we are using our constructed types, "Square" and "Point", in those examples:

Square ::= SEQUENCE {
  size INTEGER,
  location Point

Point ::= SEQUENCE {

Now, we are ready to encoding those examples using the BER rules with type tags in the UNIVERSAL type class:

screenCenter Point ::= {
  x 320,
  y 240
  - BER encoding of screenCenter:
    00110000 00000111                     # SEQUENCE with 7-byte data
      00100010 00000010 00000001 01000000 # INTEGER 320 in 2 bytes
      00100010 00000001 11110000          # INTEGER 240 in 1 bytes

smallSquare Square ::= {
  size 10,
  location screenCenter,
  - BER encoding of smallSquare:
    00110000 00001010                     # SEQUENCE with 10-byte data
      00100010 00000001 00001010          # INTEGER 10 in 1 bytes
      00110000 00000111                   # Encoding of screenCenter
        00100010 00000010 00000001 01000000
        00100010 00000001 11110000

largeSquare Square ::= {
  size 200,
  location screenCenter,
  - BER encoding of largeSquare:
    00110000 00001010                     # SEQUENCE with 10-byte data
      00100010 00000001 01100100          # INTEGER 100 in 1 bytes
      00110000 00000111                   # Encoding of screenCenter
        00100010 00000010 00000001 01000000
        00100010 00000001 11110000

Cool, BER encoding is not that difficult.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

 Introduction of PKI Certificate

PKI Certificate File Formats

 What Is ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)

 What Is BER (Basic Encoding Rules)

BER Encoding Examples

 ASN.1 Type Modifier - Type Tagging

 What Is DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules)

 PKI Certificate Structure in ASN.1 Notations

 PKI Certificate in DER Format

 PKI Certificate in Base64 Format

 PKI Certificate in PEM Format

 PKI Certificate File Viewer and Decoder

 PKI Certificate File ASN.1 Parser

 Certificate Wrapped in PKCS7 Formats

 Certificate Wrapped in PKCS12 Formats

 Certificate File Format Summary

 OpenSSL - Cryptography Toolkit

 "openssl ca" - CA (Certificate Authority) Tool

 Java "keytool" Commands and KeyStore Files

 PKI Certificate Store

 PKCS12 Certificate Bundle File

 PKCS7 Certificate Chain File

 PKI Certificate Related Terminology


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