Java Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v8.22, by Herong Yang
Shift Operations - Left, Right or Unsigned Right
This section describes shift operations: 'Left Shift', 'Right Shift', and 'Unsigned Right Shift'. A tutorial example is provided to show you how shift operations work on 'int' data type values.
What is a shift operation? A shift operation is an operation that requires the operand to be represented in a binary format, viewed as a bit string, then shift all bit values to the left or right.
Again, Java defines shift operations on "int" data type values, not on "byte" data type values. So a shift operation requires that the involved "int" value to be represented into a bit string of 32 bits. And the operation will be applied to shift bit values to the left or right on the bit string.
Java defines 3 shift operations called: "Left Shift", "Right Shift", and "Unsigned Right Shift":
1. Shift operation "Left Shift" - "<<": The "Left Shift" operation on an "int" value can be described as:
The following diagram gives an example of a "<<" operation in 2 formats:
Decimal Binary -858993460 << 6 11001100110011001100110011001100 << 6 ----------------- --------------------------------------- = 858993408 = 00110011001100110011001100000000
2. Shift operation "Right Shift" - ">>": The "Right Shift" operation on an "int" value can be described as:
The following diagram gives an example of a ">>" operation in 2 formats:
Decimal Binary -858993460 >> 6 11001100110011001100110011001100 >> 6 ----------------- --------------------------------------- =4281545523 = 11111111001100110011001100110011
3. Shift operation "Unsigned Right Shift" - ">>>": The "Unsigned Right Shift" operation on an "int" value can be described as:
The following diagram gives an example of a ">>>" operation in 2 formats:
Decimal Binary -858993460 >>> 6 11001100110011001100110011001100 >>> 6 ----------------- --------------------------------------- = 53687091 = 00000011001100110011001100110011
To verify the examples given above, I wrote the following test program,
/* * Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved. */ public class ShiftOperations { public static void main(String[] arg) { int a = -858993460; // binary: 11001100110011001100110011001100 int o1 = a << 6; // left shift int o2 = a >> 6; // right shift int o3 = a >>> 6; // unsigned right shift System.out.println(" a: "+getBitString(a) +" = "+a); System.out.println("o1: "+getBitString(o1) +" = "+o1); System.out.println("o2: "+getBitString(o2) +" = "+o2); System.out.println("o3: "+getBitString(o3) +" = "+o3); } private static String getBitString(int x) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=1; i<=32; i++) buf.append(x>>>(32-i) & 0x00000001); return buf.toString(); } }
The output of the test program matches my earlier examples:
a: 11001100110011001100110011001100 = -858993460 o1: 00110011001100110011001100000000 = 858993408 o2: 11111111001100110011001100110011 = -13421773 o3: 00000011001100110011001100110011 = 53687091
Table of Contents
Execution Process, Entry Point, Input and Output
Primitive Data Types and Literals
►Bits, Bytes, Bitwise and Shift Operations
"byte" Data Type and Implicit Casting
Operations on "byte" Data Type Values
Bitwise Operations on "byte" Values
Bitwise Operations on "byte" Values - Example Program
►Shift Operations - Left, Right or Unsigned Right
Managing Bit Strings in Byte Arrays
Reference Data Types and Variables
StringBuffer - The String Buffer Class
System Properties and Runtime Object Methods
Generic Classes and Parameterized Types
Generic Methods and Type Inference
Lambda Expressions and Method References
Java Modules - Java Package Aggregation
Execution Threads and Multi-Threading Java Programs
ThreadGroup Class and "system" ThreadGroup Tree
Synchronization Technique and Synchronized Code Blocks
Deadlock Condition Example Programs
Garbage Collection and the gc() Method
Assert Statements and -ea" Option