Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v5.42, by Herong Yang
Reading RSA Private and Public Key Files
This section provides a tutorial example on running the test program to generate, write, read and convert RSA private and public keys.
Here is the result of my second test on for RSA private and public keys.
herong> java JcaKeyFactoryTest 512 rsa RSA KeyPairGenerator Object Info: Algorithm = RSA Provider = SunRsaSign version 12 Key Size = 512 toString =$Delegate@a59698 Private Key Info: Algorithm = RSA Saved File = rsa.pri Length = 344 Format = PKCS#8 toString = Sun RSA private CRT key, 512 bits modulus: 97043338366949517069564373997756011362690918019854 3941758152851852995750181050015823269531963135480677112233564331161341 4599192233088071456509516387363439 public exponent: 65537 private exponent: 44482947462983207078242570750363738610961714271853 2410002848311984311844167238833772168785883650138424217232982825613734 1435787221995086138078350315762281 prime p: 10113877693296832729678411411276047071299336819261 9571425067574407020218628277 prime q: 95950674221883124976393580772166965334465293046924 608406056369328592349151507 prime exponent p: 51357208257202083771147268467561159419224351131150 139882124964656472311148365 prime exponent q: 74907613956824819663582421633995309739118089834030 405183140334167387871766905 crt coefficient: 45674196662035780810780138565427379979561183703478 862392227968269998791179698 Public Key Info: Algorithm = RSA Saved File = Length = 94 Format = X.509 toString = Sun RSA public key, 512 bits modulus: 97043338366949517069564373997756011362690918019854394175815 2851852995750181050015823269531963135480677112233564331161341459919223 3088071456509516387363439 public exponent: 65537 KeyFactory Object Info: Algorithm = RSA Provider = SunRsaSign version 1.5 toString = Private Key Info: Algorithm = RSA Saved File = rsa.pri Length = 344 toString = Sun RSA private CRT key, 512 bits modulus: 97043338366949517069564373997756011362690918019854 3941758152851852995750181050015823269531963135480677112233564331161341 4599192233088071456509516387363439 public exponent: 65537 private exponent: 44482947462983207078242570750363738610961714271853 2410002848311984311844167238833772168785883650138424217232982825613734 1435787221995086138078350315762281 prime p: 10113877693296832729678411411276047071299336819261 9571425067574407020218628277 prime q: 95950674221883124976393580772166965334465293046924 608406056369328592349151507 prime exponent p: 51357208257202083771147268467561159419224351131150 139882124964656472311148365 prime exponent q: 74907613956824819663582421633995309739118089834030 405183140334167387871766905 crt coefficient: 45674196662035780810780138565427379979561183703478 862392227968269998791179698 Public Key Info: Algorithm = RSA Saved File = Length = 94 toString = Sun RSA public key, 512 bits modulus: 97043338366949517069564373997756011362690918019854 3941758152851852995750181050015823269531963135480677112233564331161341 4599192233088071456509516387363439 public exponent: 65537
The result confirms that my readKeys() method works perfectly.
Table of Contents
Introduction to AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs
DES Algorithm Java Implementation
DES Algorithm - Java Implementation in JDK JCE
DES Encryption Operation Modes
PHP Implementation of DES - mcrypt
Blowfish - 8-Byte Block Cipher
Secret Key Generation and Management
Cipher - Secret Key Encryption and Decryption
RSA Implementation using java.math.BigInteger Class
Introduction of DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
Java Default Implementation of DSA
Private key and Public Key Pair Generation
►PKCS#8/X.509 Private/Public Encoding Standards
PKCS#8 and X.509 Key Encoding Classes - Reading Encoded Keys - Key Factory Test Program
Reading DSA Private and Public Key Files
►Reading RSA Private and Public Key Files
Cipher - Public Key Encryption and Decryption
OpenSSL Introduction and Installation
OpenSSL Generating and Managing RSA Keys
OpenSSL Generating and Signing CSR
OpenSSL Validating Certificate Path
"keytool" and "keystore" from JDK
"OpenSSL" Signing CSR Generated by "keytool"
Migrating Keys from "keystore" to "OpenSSL" Key Files
Certificate X.509 Standard and DER/PEM Formats
Migrating Keys from "OpenSSL" Key Files to "keystore"