Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v5.42, by Herong Yang - Key Factory Test Program
This section provides a tutorial example on how to write a sample program to read encoded key files into key spec objects and convert them back into key objects.
The following sample program shows you how to use the KeyFactory class to read in encoded keys from files:
/* * Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved. */ import*; import java.math.*; import*; import*; import*; class JcaKeyFactoryTest { public static void main(String[] a) { if (a.length<3) { System.out.println("Usage:"); System.out.println("java JcaKeyFactoryTest keySize output" +" algorithm"); return; } int keySize = Integer.parseInt(a[0]); String output = a[1]; String algorithm = a[2]; // RSA, DSA try { writeKeys(keySize,output,algorithm); readKeys(output,algorithm); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: "+e); return; } } private static void writeKeys(int keySize, String output, String algorithm) throws Exception { KeyPairGenerator kg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm); kg.initialize(keySize); System.out.println(); System.out.println("KeyPairGenerator Object Info: "); System.out.println("Algorithm = "+kg.getAlgorithm()); System.out.println("Provider = "+kg.getProvider()); System.out.println("Key Size = "+keySize); System.out.println("toString = "+kg.toString()); KeyPair pair = kg.generateKeyPair(); PrivateKey priKey = pair.getPrivate(); PublicKey pubKey = pair.getPublic(); String fl = output+".pri"; FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fl); byte[] ky = priKey.getEncoded(); out.write(ky); out.close(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Private Key Info: "); System.out.println("Algorithm = "+priKey.getAlgorithm()); System.out.println("Saved File = "+fl); System.out.println("Length = "+ky.length); System.out.println("Format = "+priKey.getFormat()); System.out.println("toString = "+priKey.toString()); fl = output+".pub"; out = new FileOutputStream(fl); ky = pubKey.getEncoded(); out.write(ky); out.close(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Public Key Info: "); System.out.println("Algorithm = "+pubKey.getAlgorithm()); System.out.println("Saved File = "+fl); System.out.println("Length = "+ky.length); System.out.println("Format = "+pubKey.getFormat()); System.out.println("toString = "+pubKey.toString()); } private static void readKeys(String input, String algorithm) throws Exception { KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm); System.out.println(); System.out.println("KeyFactory Object Info: "); System.out.println("Algorithm = "+keyFactory.getAlgorithm()); System.out.println("Provider = "+keyFactory.getProvider()); System.out.println("toString = "+keyFactory.toString()); String priKeyFile = input+".pri"; FileInputStream priKeyStream = new FileInputStream(priKeyFile); int priKeyLength = priKeyStream.available(); byte[] priKeyBytes = new byte[priKeyLength];; priKeyStream.close(); PKCS8EncodedKeySpec priKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(priKeyBytes); PrivateKey priKey = keyFactory.generatePrivate(priKeySpec); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Private Key Info: "); System.out.println("Algorithm = "+priKey.getAlgorithm()); System.out.println("Saved File = "+priKeyFile); System.out.println("Length = "+priKeyBytes.length); System.out.println("toString = "+priKey.toString()); String pubKeyFile = input+".pub"; FileInputStream pubKeyStream = new FileInputStream(pubKeyFile); int pubKeyLength = pubKeyStream.available(); byte[] pubKeyBytes = new byte[pubKeyLength];; pubKeyStream.close(); X509EncodedKeySpec pubKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubKeyBytes); PublicKey pubKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(pubKeySpec); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Public Key Info: "); System.out.println("Algorithm = "+pubKey.getAlgorithm()); System.out.println("Saved File = "+pubKeyFile); System.out.println("Length = "+pubKeyBytes.length); System.out.println("toString = "+pubKey.toString()); } }
Note that:
See the next section for testing result of
Table of Contents
Introduction to AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs
DES Algorithm Java Implementation
DES Algorithm - Java Implementation in JDK JCE
DES Encryption Operation Modes
PHP Implementation of DES - mcrypt
Blowfish - 8-Byte Block Cipher
Secret Key Generation and Management
Cipher - Secret Key Encryption and Decryption
RSA Implementation using java.math.BigInteger Class
Introduction of DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
Java Default Implementation of DSA
Private key and Public Key Pair Generation
►PKCS#8/X.509 Private/Public Encoding Standards
PKCS#8 and X.509 Key Encoding Classes - Reading Encoded Keys
► - Key Factory Test Program
Reading DSA Private and Public Key Files
Reading RSA Private and Public Key Files
Cipher - Public Key Encryption and Decryption
OpenSSL Introduction and Installation
OpenSSL Generating and Managing RSA Keys
OpenSSL Generating and Signing CSR
OpenSSL Validating Certificate Path
"keytool" and "keystore" from JDK
"OpenSSL" Signing CSR Generated by "keytool"
Migrating Keys from "keystore" to "OpenSSL" Key Files
Certificate X.509 Standard and DER/PEM Formats
Migrating Keys from "OpenSSL" Key Files to "keystore"