Android Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v3.05, by Herong Yang
Creating Android Virtual Device (AVD)
This section provides a tutorial example on how to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD), which is an emulator configuration that lets you to model an actual Android device.
In order to run the Android emulator on your Windows system, you need to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD), which is an emulator configuration that lets you to model an actual device by defining hardware and software options to be emulated by the Android Emulator.
Here is what I did to create an AVD:
1. Double-click on "C:\local\android-sdk-windows\AVD Manager.exe". The "Android Virtual Device Manager" window shows up.
2. Click "Create" button. The "Create new Android Virtual Device (AVD)" window shows up:
3. Review and change settings to create virtual 4 inch phone:
Name: vPhone Device: 4" WVGA (Nexus S)(480 x 800:hdpi) Target: Android 5.1.1 - API Level 22 CPU/ABI: ARM (armeabi-v7a) [x] Hardware keyboard present Skin: WVGA800 Front Camera: None Back Camera: None Memory Options: RAM: 512, VM Heap: 32 Internal Storage: 200 MiB SD Card/Size: 32 MiB
4. Click "OK" button. A new virtual device simulating a phone will be created and listed on the AVD Manager screen.
Table of Contents
Installing JDK 1.8 on Windows System
►Installation of Android SDK R24 and Emulator
Downloading and Installing Android SDK R24
Running Android SDK Manager R24
Installing Android Platform 4.0.3 and Libraries
Verifying Android Platform Installation
►Creating Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Viewing Android Virtual Device (AVD) Details
Launching Android Emulator in AVD Manager
Android Emulator Starting Screens
Android Emulator Built-in Apps and Widgets
Android Emulator Built-in Web Browser
Android Emulator for 7 Inch Tablet
Android Emulator for Google Watch
Missing Emulator Engine Program for 'arm' CPUS
x86 Emulation Requires Hardware Acceleration
HAXM - Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager
Installing Apache Ant 1.9 on Windows System
Developing First Android Application - HelloAndroid
Android Application Package (APK) Files
Android Debug Bridge (adb) Tool
AboutAndroid - Application to Retrieve System Information Class and Activity Lifecycle
View Objects and Layout Resource Files
Using "adb logcat" Command for Debugging
Build Process and Package File Content
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Mini Tablet
USB Debugging Applications on Samsung Tablet
USB Debugging Applications on LG-V905R Tablet