Android Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v3.05, by Herong Yang
Introduction of Activity Lifecycle
This section describes the class which represents an activity you allow the user to interact with on the screen. An activity has 4 states: Active, Paused, Stopped and Destroyed.
In the last chapter, we learned how to access the Android application environment information using the java.lang.System and android.os.Environment classes. Now let's take a closer look at the starting class of our simple applications created so far:
The class represents an activity you allow the user to interact with on the screen. The class takes care of creating an empty window for you to place visual content using the setContentView() method.
An Activity object has four states:
Android reference document provides the following diagram to illustrate the lifecycle
of an Activity object:
The entire lifecycle of Activity object is divided into 3 nested lifetime periods:
See next tutorials on you can add code logics when the activity entering or leaving a lifetime period.
Table of Contents
Installing JDK 1.8 on Windows System
Installation of Android SDK R24 and Emulator
Installing Apache Ant 1.9 on Windows System
Developing First Android Application - HelloAndroid
Android Application Package (APK) Files
Android Debug Bridge (adb) Tool
AboutAndroid - Application to Retrieve System Information
► Class and Activity Lifecycle
►Introduction of Activity Lifecycle
onCreate() and Other Callback Methods
ActivityLog - Application to Create Log File
Viewing Activity Log File with "cat" Command in "adb shell"
Implementing Activity Callback Methods
ActivityLog Test - Activity Terminated by User
ActivityLog Test - Activity Stopped and Restarted
ActivityLog Test - Activity Paused and Resumed
View Objects and Layout Resource Files
Using "adb logcat" Command for Debugging
Build Process and Package File Content
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Mini Tablet
USB Debugging Applications on Samsung Tablet
USB Debugging Applications on LG-V905R Tablet