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Downloading and Installing Notepad++ with XML Tools
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Notepad++ on Windows system; and how to add the XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++.
2023-08-24, ≈270🔥, 72💬

💬 2023-08-24 gabydp: Thanks!

💬 2022-03-14 herbiee: Thanks so much! Now Ican rite my XML-files.

💬 2021-11-17 **: Thanks!

💬 2021-06-02 minthanhtike: Thanks so much, it help me .

💬 2021-02-02 Dina: Thank you. This article is helpful!

(More comments ...)

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++. Topics include downloading and installing Notepad++ and XML Tools Plugin; generating pretty print XML format; XSD validation; XSLT transformation.
2023-04-05, ≈171🔥, 69💬

💬 2023-04-05 Marcin: great tool

💬 2022-12-03 Herong: Stuart, may be you need to set the output encoding as UTF-8: <xsl:output encoding="UTF-8" ...>

💬 2022-12-01 Stuart: The XML tools are great. I've just tried the XSL Transformation too for an XML-HTML transformation containing Arabic characters ...

💬 2019-09-10 xiaolu: Great tool

💬 2019-08-06 Took: Great

(More comments ...)

XSLT Transformation
This section provides a tutorial example on how to perform XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) using XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++.
2021-05-28, ≈37🔥, 21💬

💬 2021-05-28 PurpV: for CC: I'm using a online free tool to test my XSLT 2.0 which works fine (but would rather have 2.0 supported by notepad++) htt...

💬 2020-07-15 Herong: Does anybody have suggestions for CC?

💬 2020-07-10 CC: Hi, Does notepad++ doesn't support XSLT 2.0? I have my XSL file working perfectly in Oxygen ( though going to be expired ) and I...

💬 2018-11-23 Robert: Super, Thank you very much.

💬 2018-11-22 Herong: Shu, The "dictionary.xsl" listed above is a valid XSLT file. Can you double check the steps on how you performs the transformati...

(More comments ...)

What Is XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++
This section describes XML Tools Plugin, which provides a small set of useful tools for editing XML documents in Notepad++.
2022-08-28, ≈22🔥, 13💬

💬 2022-08-28 Andrew E. Cook Cook: Hi there! thanks for this helpful tutorial! With goomaps, adding a location to your WordPress website is easy. The most user-fri...

💬 2018-12-07 David: thanks

💬 2018-11-22 Sac: great

💬 2018-04-11 boy: jo schen donk junger monn

💬 2017-10-10 Froes: valeu

(More comments ...)

XML Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
This XML tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning XML himself. Topics include introduction to XML, DTD (Document Type Definition), XSD (XML Schema Definition), XPath (XML Path Language), XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), XSLT (XSL Transf...
2023-11-28, ≈12🔥, 3💬

💬 2022-07-22 Helen: This is very helpful!

💬 2016-05-07 mehari: this tutorials helps many trainers through out the world, thanks!

💬 2015-07-19 Jay: What about JSON format?

Converting XML in Pretty Print Format
This section provides a tutorial example on how to convert XML documents into pretty print format using XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++.
2018-02-25, ≈11🔥, 5💬

💬 2017-05-23 sdsa: soap:ClientUnmarshalling error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'v11:CopyFaresFromFarCl....

💬 2016-08-17 z: Subject_Order 1608_ AFTER [NextExecutionDatetimeCO] [ListVMsINextExecutionCO]

💬 2016-05-03 dfg: <div class="productdetailpopover adminpopover"> <div class="productimage displayinlineblock"> <div class="m...

"for-each" - Looping through a Node Set
This section describes the 'for-each' element, which is used in the content of a 'template' element. The 'for-each' element is a loop statement that be used to repeat a block of output content over each node in a node set.
2017-04-09, ≈10🔥, 3💬

💬 2016-10-06 Herong: Bart, Thanks for pointing out the errors. They are fixed now.

💬 2016-10-04 Bart: <xsl:for-each select="text()"/> XSL statements </xsl:for-each> is no legal xml. You end your for-each tag in the b...

XSD Validation and Error List
This section provides a tutorial example on how to perform XSD validation and view error list using XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++.
2017-05-27, ∼8803🔥, 7💬

💬 2017-05-27 Herong: No problem. Have a good weekend!

💬 2017-05-27 Greg: Me again - false alarm, the error message I saw was caused by xsi:schemaLocation that was specified in the file. Sorry to troubl...

💬 2017-05-26 Greg: Hi, this was working fine, but now when I click Validate Now, I get an error message: Following error occurred during schema ...

💬 2015-12-23 Herong: Mat2001uk, That is better than the version I was testing. Thanks for sharing this information with us.

💬 2015-12-22 Mat2001uk: In v6.8.6 I see only one error:"XML Parsing error at line 16: StartTag: invalid element name" ...just FYI.

(More comments ...)

Main Features of XML
This section provides a quick description of XML features and advantages. The power of XML comes from its simplicity and extensibility.
2017-11-26, ∼8338🔥, 2💬

💬 2017-11-26 Abhishek: Thanks!

XML Files with Linked External XSD Files
This section provides a tutorial example on how to store XSD statements in an external file, which can be then linked to XML files. The external XSD file should also be a well-formed XML document.
2017-03-11, ∼5404🔥, 1💬

💬 2017-03-11 somebody: it was completly helpfull and it was very important

Using Google Chrome as an XML Syntax Checker
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use Google Chrome as an XML file syntax checker. If there are syntax errors in an XML file, Chrome will stop displaying the XML file at the first error location.
2018-11-10, ∼5328🔥, 3💬

💬 2018-11-10 Herong: ej, You are right. Chrome can only parse an XML document and print out issues that occur during the parsing process. If you want...

💬 2018-11-08 ej: While the information contained here seems to be correct, I would use the term "well wormedness verification" in place of "synta...

💬 2017-08-11 literal nazi: meaningful comments

XML Tools Package for Atom
This section describes XML Tools package for Atom and shows how to install it and access its functionalities.
2022-10-01, ∼3499🔥, 0💬

xml.dom.minidom for Building XML Document
This section provides a tutorial example on how to build a new XML document with Python xml.dom.minidom package.
2022-10-01, ∼3392🔥, 0💬

Other XML Tools Functions
This section describes other nice functions in XML Tools Plugin: XML to text conversion, current XPath, and XPath expression evaluation.
2015-07-22, ∼3321🔥, 1💬

Using Microsoft Edge as an XML Browser
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use Microsoft Edge as an XML file browser. Edge displays all elements in an XML file in a tree structure.
2022-10-01, ∼2552🔥, 0💬

Full Version in PDF/EPUB
Information on how to obtain the full version of this book in PDF, EPUB, or other format.
2023-03-15, ∼2343🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-03-15 Vanaja: Needful for M.Sc Students

💬 2017-11-07 amarendra: thanks for xml tutorials

💬 2017-04-09 Rajesh: Very nice..Thanks

💬 2016-02-10 Sanjay Kumar: This books looks very helpful for XML editing and validation against XSDs.

"choose" - The If...Else Element
This section describes the 'choose' element, which is used in the content of a 'template' element. The 'choose' element is a conditional statement that be used to put different output contents under different logical conditions.
2016-02-12, ∼2188🔥, 0💬

Downloading and Installing XML Notepad
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install XML Notepad 2007 on Windows systems.
2023-08-24, ∼1734🔥, 3💬

💬 2023-08-24 hany: thanks

💬 2018-12-27 Raj: Thanks

Web Browser Errors on Local XSL File
This section provides examples of Web browser errors on loading local XSL files from local XML documents. Newer versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari consider this as security risks.
2022-10-01, ∼1650🔥, 0💬

Using Google Chrome as an XML Browser
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use Google Chrome as an XML file browser. Chrome displays all elements in an XML file in a tree structure.
2022-10-01, ∼1496🔥, 0💬

XML Notepad - XML Editor
This chapter provides notes and tutorial examples on XML Notepad. Topics include downloading and installing XML Notepad 2007; converting XML to pretty print format; XSD schema validation; XSLT transformation to HTML documents.
2019-06-01, ∼1410🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-06-01 Herong: John, which encoding are you referring to?

💬 2019-05-24 John: Can the encoding be changed?

xml.sax for Parsing XML Document
This section provides a tutorial example on how to parse an existing XML document with SAX event handlers with Python xml.sax package.
2022-10-01, ∼1276🔥, 0💬

Introduction of XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
This chapter provides an introduction of XML (eXtensible Markup Language). Topics include what is XML; key features of XML - simplicity and extensibility.
2016-03-05, ∼1212🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-03-05 Ahmed: Thank you very much for what do you do. It is a great Work.

DTD (Document Type Definition) Introduction
This chapter provides tutorial notes and example codes on DTD (Document Type Definition). Topics include introduction to DTD (Document Type Definition); using DOCTYPE statement to define an XML document type; specifying XML elements, attributes and entities declaration statements inside or outside X...
2016-02-20, ∼1204🔥, 2💬

💬 2016-02-20 Herong: Samir, Which part is bogus?

💬 2016-02-20 Samir Vaghmar: This is bogus. This is great.

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