Archived: Issues MySQL 5.7.10 Installer

This section describes two issues occurred during the installation process of MySQL 5.7.10 on a Windows system using MySQL Installer.

Some issues I got during the installation process of MySQL 5.7.10:

1. Configuration taking too long - During the configuration step, I got a warning message box saying: "Configuration of MySQL Server 5.7.10 is taking longer than expected. Do you want to continue waiting or cancel the configuration?"

Of course, I had to click "OK" to continue waiting until it's done. If you click "Cancel" by mistake, you will end up with an incomplete installation.

2. MySQL Notifier error - After the installation, the MySQL Notifier icon shows up in the system tray. But when I clicked on it to start or stop the "MySQL57" service, I got an error saying: "The service MySQL57 failed the most recent status change request with the message - The service mysql57 was not found in the Windows Services. If problem persists please restart MySQL Notifier."

Even after I restarted MySQL Notifier, I got the same error. You can just ignore this error. The "MySQL57" service was running by looking at it with "Control Panel > Services".

MySQL Notifier Error
MySQL Notifier Error

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of SQL

 MySQL Introduction and Installation

 Introduction of MySQL Programs

 PHP Programs and MySQL Server

 Perl Programs and MySQL Servers

 Java Programs and MySQL Servers

 Datatypes and Data Literals

 Operations and Expressions

 Character Strings and Bit Strings

 Commonly Used Functions

 Table Column Types for Different Types of Values

 Using DDL to Create Tables and Indexes

 Using DML to Insert, Update and Delete Records

 Using SELECT to Query Database

 Window Functions for Statistical Analysis

 Use Index for Better Performance

 Transaction Management and Isolation Levels

 Locks Used in MySQL

 Defining and Calling Stored Procedures

 Variables, Loops and Cursors Used in Stored Procedures

 System, User-Defined and Stored Procedure Variables

 MySQL Server Administration

 Storage Engines in MySQL Server

 InnoDB Storage Engine - Primary and Secondary Indexes

 Performance Tuning and Optimization

 Bulk Changes on Large Tables

 MySQL Server on macOS

 Installing MySQL Server on Linux

 Connection, Performance and Second Instance on Linux

Archived Tutorials

 Archived: Installing MySQL 5.7.10 with Installer

Archived: Issues MySQL 5.7.10 Installer

 Archived: MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Installation

 Archived: Installing MySQL 5.6.28

 Archived: Installing MySQL 5.5.15

 Archived: Installing MySQL 5.0.2 (Alpha)

 Archived: Installing MySQL 4.0.18


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB