Solutions for Slow Queries

This section provides some suggestions to resolve slow query problems including refreshing table statistics, rebuilding indexes, optimizing table data storage, and changing storage engine.

If you have a slow query that runs for more than 1 minute, you can follow some suggestions described below to improve its performance.

1. Use the "EXPLAIN", also called DESCRIBE, statement to see the query execution plan. If you see "ALL" as the query "type", MySQL will do a full table scan to complete the query, which will result a very poor performance. Possible values for "type" are "ALL, index, range, ref, eq_ref, const, system", sorted from the worst to the best.

mysql> explain select * from Profile where FirstName > 'bike';
| id | select_type |...| type | possible_keys | key  | rows   | filtered |
|  1 | SIMPLE      |...| ALL  | NULL          | NULL | 100000 |    33.33 |

2. User "ALTER TABLE ... ADD INDEX" statement to add index for columns used in the WHERE clause.

mysql> ALTER TABLE Profile ADD INDEX `Prof_IDX_FN` (`FirstName`);

mysql> explain select * from Profile where FirstName > 'bike';
| id | select_type |...| type | possible_keys | key  | rows  | filtered |
|  1 | SIMPLE      |...| ALL  | Prof_IDX_FN   | NULL | 10000 |    54.42 |

3. Use "ANALYZE" statement to refresh table statistics.

mysql> analyze table Profile;
| Table            | Op      | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| herongdb.profile | analyze | status   | OK       |

4. Use "OPTIMIZE TABLE" statement to reorganize the physical storage of the table data and associated index data, to reduce storage space and improve I/O efficiency when accessing the table.

mysql> optimize table Profile;
| Table            | Op       | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| herongdb.profile | optimize | status   | OK       |

5. Use "ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE=..." statement to change storage engine for the table. MyISAM will out-perform InnoDB on large tables because MyISAM locks down the entire table instead of individual rows. But obviously, InnoDB performs much better when multiple users want to access the same table.

mysql> SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES
    -> WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Profile';
| Profile    | InnoDB |


Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction of SQL

 MySQL Introduction and Installation

 Introduction of MySQL Programs

 PHP Programs and MySQL Server

 Perl Programs and MySQL Servers

 Java Programs and MySQL Servers

 Datatypes and Data Literals

 Operations and Expressions

 Character Strings and Bit Strings

 Commonly Used Functions

 Table Column Types for Different Types of Values

 Using DDL to Create Tables and Indexes

 Using DML to Insert, Update and Delete Records

 Using SELECT to Query Database

 Window Functions for Statistical Analysis

 Use Index for Better Performance

 Transaction Management and Isolation Levels

 Locks Used in MySQL

 Defining and Calling Stored Procedures

 Variables, Loops and Cursors Used in Stored Procedures

 System, User-Defined and Stored Procedure Variables

MySQL Server Administration

 MySQL Program Option Files

 "SHOW" - Show Server Information

 "SHOW STATUS ..." - Server Status Variables

 Capture Slow Queries

 Analyze Slow Query Log File

Solutions for Slow Queries

 Server Performance Troubleshooting

 Storage Engines in MySQL Server

 InnoDB Storage Engine - Primary and Secondary Indexes

 Performance Tuning and Optimization

 Bulk Changes on Large Tables

 MySQL Server on macOS

 Installing MySQL Server on Linux

 Connection, Performance and Second Instance on Linux

 Archived Tutorials


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