What Is JRockit Mission Control?

This section describes JRockit Mission Control, which is a set of JVM monitoring and management tools including Management Console, Runtime Analyzer and Memory Leak Detector.

What is JRockit Mission Control? Oracle JRockit Mission Control is a set of powerful tools running on the Oracle JRockit JVM. These tools deliver advanced, unobtrusive JVM monitoring and management, suitable for use both in development and production environments.

The current version of JRockit Mission Control contains three powerful tools:

The Management Console - The JRockit Management Console is a tool for monitoring and managing multiple JRockit instances. It captures and presents live data about GC pauses, memory and CPU usage, as well as information from any JMX MBean deployed in the JVM's internal MBean server. JVM management includes dynamic control over CPU affinity, garbage collection strategy, memory pool sizes and more.

The JRockit Runtime Analyzer - The JRockit Runtime Analyzer (JRA) is an on-demand 'flight recorder' that produces detailed recordings about the JVM and the application it is running. The recorded profile can later be analyzed off line, using the JRA Mission Control plug-in. Recorded data includes profiling of methods and locks, as well as garbage collection statistics, optimization decisions, object statistics, and latency events.

The Memory Leak Detector - This is a tool for discovering, and finding the cause for, memory leaks. The JRockit Memory Leak Detector's trend analyzer can discover very slow leaks, it shows detailed heap statistics including referring types and instances to leaking objects, allocation sites, and provides quick drill down to the cause of the leak. The Memory Leak Detector uses advanced graphical presentation techniques to make it easier to navigate and understand the sometimes complex information

JRockit Mission Control 4.1.0 is installed automatically as part of the JRockit JVM R28.2.7 installation process. No need to download and install it separately.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Specification

 Java HotSpot VM - JVM by Oracle/Sun

 java.lang.Runtime Class - The JVM Instance

 java.lang.System Class - The Operating System

 ClassLoader Class - Class Loaders

 Class Class - Class Reflections

 JVM Runtime Data Areas

 JVM Stack, Frame and Stack Overflow

 Thread Testing Program and Result

 CPU Impact of Multi-Thread Applications

 I/O Impact of Multi-Thread Applications

 CDS (Class Data Sharing)

 Micro Benchmark Runner and JVM Options

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "int" Operations

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "long" Operations

 Micro Benchmark Tests in JIT Compilation Mode

 Micro Benchmark Tests on "float" and "double" Operations

 OpenJ9 by Eclipse Foundation

JRockit JVM 28.2.7 by Oracle Corporation

 What Is JRockit JVM?

 Downloading and Installing JRockit R28.2.7

 Running Java Programs on JRockit R28.2.7

 Memory Footprint of JRockit R28.2.7

What Is JRockit Mission Control?

 Running JRockit Mission Control

 What JRockit Management Console

 JRockit Management Console on HotSpot JVM

 Archived Tutorials


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