Slicing MPEG Files by Play Time Ranges with mpgtx

This section provides a tutorial on how to slice a MPEG file with a given play time range.

The slice function of "mpgtx" allows you to slice out a chunk of the media data with a given play time range or offset data size range. The slice function requires the following command arguments:

Here is an example of slicing a MPEG-1 file to get only 10 seconds of play media data between 10 and 20 play seconds:

C:\temp>\local\bin\mpgtx -s sample_full.m1s [00:00:10-00:00:20]
   -b sample_part

Now processing sample_full.m1s [1/1] ...  100.00%

C:\temp>dir sample*.*

   4,913,152 sample_full.m1s
   1,739,330 sample_part.mpg

Test the output file sample_part.mpg with MPlayer. It plays nicely.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Audio CD (Compact Disc Digital Audio or CD-DA) Format

 Audio CD (Compact Disc Digital Audio or CD-DA) Players

 Audio CD (Compact Disc Digital Audio or CD-DA) Rip Music

 WAV Audio File Format

 MP3, MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, Encoding Format

 Burning MP3 Music to Audio CD

 Windows Sound Recorder

 ISO 9660 Standard for Data CD

 Recording Data on CD

 VCD (Video CD) Standard

 DVD (Digital Video Disc) Standard Format

 TOC (Table Of Contents) on CDs

 IsoBuster - A Nice CD GUI Tool

 MPlayer - The Movie Player

 vStrip - Rip and Manipulate DVD VOB Files

mpgtx - Manipulating MPEG Files

 Downloading and Installing vStrip

 Printing MPEG Encoding Information with mpgtx

 Printing MP3 Encoding Information with mpgtx

Slicing MPEG Files by Play Time Ranges with mpgtx

 Demuxing (Demultiplexing) MPEG Files with mpgtx

 Splitting/Joining MPEG Files with mpgtx

 CD/DVD - File Name Extension and Format Types


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