∟"TextStream" Objects Representing File Input and Output
This section describes TextStream object and its properties and methods. A tutorial example is provided on how to open a new file, write some text lines, and read them back.
TextStream: An object representing an input or output stream connected to a file.
It offers the following properties and methods:
"AtEndOfLine": Property to return true if the current reading position is before
the end of a line.
"AtEndOfStream": Property to return true if the current reading position is before
the end of the file.
"Column": Property to return the column number of the current position.
"Line": Property to return the line number of the current position.
"Read(n)": Method to return a string of characters up to the specified number.
"ReadAll()": Method to return a string of the rest characters in the stream.
"ReadLine()": Method to return a string of the rest characters in the linie.
Here is a VBScript example to show you how to create and open a text file.
<!-- text_stream_test.html
- Copyright (c) 2015, HerongYang.com, All Rights Reserved.
<script language="vbscript">
' Getting the FileSystemObject
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Creating a new file for writing
set out = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\temp\test.txt",true,false)
' Open an existing file for reading
set inn = fs.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\test.txt",1)
while inn.AtEndOfStream = false
line = inn.ReadLine()
When you load this example into IE, you will get a security warning.
You can ignore it and get the output:
Tests on TextStream class:
Note that:
If you look at the directory c:\temp, you will see a new file "test.txt".
"in" seems to be a reserved word. So I used "inn" as a variable name.
"wend" ends the "while" statement. I really don't know why the designers can
not use "end while".