∟"FileSystemObject" Objects to Manage File Systems
This section describes FileSystemObject properties and methods. A tutorial example is provided on how to create a folder, copy files, and get file information.
FileSystemObject: An object representing the local file system
Major methods and properties include:
"Drives": Property to return a read-only collection of "Drive" objects representing all drives
in the current file system.
"GetDrive(drivePath)": Method to return a Drive object of the specified drive path
(driver letter with ':').
"GetFolder(folderPath)": Method to return a Folder object of the specified folder
path name.
"GetFile(filePath)": Method to return a File object of the specified file
path name.
"CreateTextFile(pathname,[override[,unicode]])": Method to create a new text file
and return a TextStream object connected to the new file.
"override=true|false" specifies if the new file can override an existing file.
"unicode=false|true" specifies if the new should written with unicode encoding.
"OpenTextFile(pathname[,io_mode[,create[,tristate]]])": Method to open a file and
returns a TextStream object connected to the file. "create=false|true" specifies
that if a new can be created when the specified file does not exists.
io_mode(=1|2|8: ForReading|ForWriting|ForAppending) specifies how the file should be openned.
tristate(=-2|-1|0: TristateUserDefault|TristateTrue|TristateFalse) speficies if the file should
be open as Unicode or not.
"CopyFile(from_pathname, to_pathname)": Method to copy a file specified by the
from_pathname to the to_pathname.
"DeleteFile()": Method to delete a file.
"MoveFile()": Method to move a file.
"FileExists()": Method to check if a file exists.
"CreateFolder": Method to create a folder.
"CopyFolder()": Method to copy a folder.
"DeleteFolder()": Method to delete a folder.
"MoveFolder()": Method to move a folder.
"FolderExists()": Method to check if a folder exists.
"DriveExists": Method to check if a drive exists.
Below is a VBScript example showing you how to create a folder and copy a file by using
the FileSystemObject object:
<!-- file_system_test.html
- Copyright (c) 2015, HerongYang.com, All Rights Reserved.
<script language="vbscript">
' Getting the FileSystemObject object
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Creating a new file folder
if fs.FolderExists("c:\temp\backup") then
end if
set d = fs.CreateFolder("c:\temp\backup")
' Copying a file
fs.CopyFile "c:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll", "c:\temp\backup\"
' Getting information about the copy
set f = fs.GetFile("c:\temp\backup\scrrun.dll")
document.writeln("f.Path: " & f.Path)
document.writeln("f.ParentFolder: " & f.ParentFolder)
document.writeln("f.Name: " & f.Name)
document.writeln("f.Type: " & f.Type)
document.writeln("f.Size: " & f.Size)
document.writeln("f.DateCreated: " & f.DateCreated)
document.writeln("f.DateLastModified: " & f.DateLastModified)
document.writeln("f.DateLastAccessed: " & f.DateLastAccessed)
When you load this example into IE, you will get a security warning.
You can ignore it and get the output: