Digital Signature Options Supported in SoapUI

This section describes digital signature options supported in SoapUI that allows you to specify how to identify the key used in the signature, which digest algorithm to use, which parts of the SOAP message to sign, etc.

SoapUI also allows us to generate digital signatures with multiple options. These options are listed on the "Sigature" WS-Security configuration entry section:

Keystore - Specifies which Java keystore file that contains the sender's private-public key and X.509 certificate.

Alias - Specifies which certificate entry in the keystore file is the sender's private-public key and X.509 certificate.

Password - Specifies the password used in the keystore file to protect sender's private key.

Key Identifier Type - Specifies how to identify the public key that is needed to validate the signature:

Signature Algorithm - Specifies which algorithm to use when generating the digital signature. The selected algorithm needs to be compatible with the type of private-public key pair or secret key that you are using.

Signature Canonicalization - Specifies which algorithm to use when serializing the XML element in the message selected for signing.

Digest Algorithm - Specifies which algorithm to use when generating the message digest on the serialized XML element selected for signing. The selected algorithm needs to be compatible with the selected signature algorithm.

Using Single Certificate - Turns on the flag to using a single certificate or the entire certificate path in the Binary Security Token.

Parts - Specifies a list of parts (elements) of the SOAP message to be selected for signing. Each part is defined by the following criteria. If a single part matches multiple elements, all elements are signed independently. If not part is defined, the soapenv:Body element will be signed by default.

The following picture shows you WS-Security digital signature options supported in SoapUI:
SoapUI - WS-Security Digital Signature Options

Last update: 2014.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to Web Service

 Introduction to SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

 SOAP Message Structure

 SOAP Message Transmission and Processing

 SOAP Data Model

 SOAP Encoding

 SOAP RPC Presentation

 SOAP Properties Model

 SOAP Message Exchange Patterns

 SOAP HTTP Binding

 SOAP Perl Implementations

 SOAP PHP Implementations

 SOAP Java Implementations

 Perl SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module

 Perl Socket Test Program for HTTP and SOAP

 Perl SOAP::Lite for GetSpeech SOAP 1.1 Web Service

 Perl SOAP::Lite 0.710 for SOAP 1.2 Web Services

 Perl SOAP::Lite 0.710 for WSDL

 PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs

 PHP SOAP Extension Server Programs

 Java Socket and HttpURLConnection for SOAP

 SAAJ - SOAP with Attachments API for Java

 SoapUI - SOAP Web Service Testing Tool

 WS-Security - SOAP Message Security Extension

WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token

 What Is WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile?

 What Is XML Signature Syntax and Processing?

 Generating a Self-Signed Certificate with "keytool"

 SoapUI Configuration for Messaging Signing

 Generating Digital Signature with SoapUI

 Validating ds:Signature with X.509 Certificate

Digital Signature Options Supported in SoapUI

 What Is XML Encryption Syntax and Processing?

 SoapUI Configuration for Messaging Encryption

 "not an RSA key" - Encryption Failed in SoapUI

 Encryption using RSA Public Key with SoapUI

 2-Step Message Encryption - Symmetric and RSA

 Decrypting Encrypted SOAP Message

 Message Encryption Options Supported in SoapUI

 Web Services and SOAP Terminology


 PDF Printing Version