SOAP Web Service Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - Version 5.02, by Dr. Herong Yang
What Is WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile?
This section describes the WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile specification describing the profile (specific mechanisms and procedures) on how the 'BinarySecurityToken' element defined in WS-Security standard can be used to include X.509 certificate as a means of identifying the sender of a SOAP message.
What Is "WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile"? WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile is an OASIS specification that describes the profile (specific mechanisms and procedures) on how the "BinarySecurityToken" element defined in WS-Security standard can be used to include X.509 certificate as a means of identifying the sender of a SOAP message to the receiver.
What Is "X.509 Certificate"? An X.509 Certificate is a binding of a public key and its owner certified by a Certificate Authority (CA). It can be used to authenticate the certificate owner if the CA can be trusted..
Here is a SOAP request message example that contains a wsse:BinarySecurityToken element containing an X.509 certificate.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:ser="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsse=" /oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsu=" /oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd" > <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security> <wsse:BinarySecurityToken EncodingType=" /oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary" ValueType=" /oasis-200401-wss-x509-token-profile-1.0#X509v3"> MIIDIjCCAt6gAwIBAgIEZjRlNTALBgcqhkjOOAQDBQAwYjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVU4x EDAOBgNVBAgTB015U3RhdGUxDzANBgNVBAcTBk15Q2l0eTEOMAwGA1UEChMFTXlP ... C4wxFfMc6tuHul2L9dHHAhUAhIEbBrqBKn9A99IXZtHFvE/uPbw= </wsse:BinarySecurityToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <ser:HelloRequest>Hello</ser:HelloRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Notice that how specification identifiers are used to describe the X.509 certificate format:
The receiver of the above message can follow the "WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile" specification to parse out the X.509 certificate and perform certificate validation to authenticate the sender.
X.509 certificate token also plays an important role in protecting message integrity and confidentiality by applying:
For more information, see the full specification at
Last update: 2014.
Table of Contents
Introduction to SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP Message Transmission and Processing
SOAP Message Exchange Patterns
Perl SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module
Perl Socket Test Program for HTTP and SOAP
Perl SOAP::Lite for GetSpeech SOAP 1.1 Web Service
Perl SOAP::Lite 0.710 for SOAP 1.2 Web Services
Perl SOAP::Lite 0.710 for WSDL
PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs
PHP SOAP Extension Server Programs
Java Socket and HttpURLConnection for SOAP
SAAJ - SOAP with Attachments API for Java
SoapUI - SOAP Web Service Testing Tool
WS-Security - SOAP Message Security Extension
►WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token
►What Is WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile?
What Is XML Signature Syntax and Processing?
Generating a Self-Signed Certificate with "keytool"
SoapUI Configuration for Messaging Signing
Generating Digital Signature with SoapUI
Validating ds:Signature with X.509 Certificate
Digital Signature Options Supported in SoapUI
What Is XML Encryption Syntax and Processing?
SoapUI Configuration for Messaging Encryption
"not an RSA key" - Encryption Failed in SoapUI
Encryption using RSA Public Key with SoapUI
2-Step Message Encryption - Symmetric and RSA
Decrypting Encrypted SOAP Message
Message Encryption Options Supported in SoapUI