SOAP Web Service Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v5.13, by Herong Yang
SOAP::Data - Utility Class to Generate XML Elements
This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the SOAP::Data class to generate the parameter element with the correct element name. The SOAP::Data class is a utility that allows you generated XML elements with correct name, attributes and sub elements.
I am sure you noticed the issue with the parameter element name, c-gensym3. The solution is easy as we learned from previous SOAP 1.1 tutorials. The SOAP::Data class can be used to generate parameters with correct element names:
#- #- Copyright (c) 2009 All Rights Reserved. # use SOAP::Lite +trace; my $client = SOAP::Lite->new() ->soapversion('1.2') ->envprefix('soap12') ->default_ns('') ->readable(true) ->proxy('http://localhost/NumberConversion.wso'); my $som = $client->call('NumberToWords', SOAP::Data->name("ubiNum") ->value(102));
Result of
POST http://localhost/NumberConversion.wso HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/xml Accept: multipart/* Accept: application/soap Content-Length: 609 Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 SOAPAction: "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap12:Envelope soap:encodingStyle="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soap12:Body> <NumberToWords xmlns=""> <ubiNum xsi:type="xsd:int">102</ubiNum> </NumberToWords> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
The result looks very good. The SOAP::Data class does allow us to control element names.
I think my NumberToWords SOAP 1.2 request XML message is ready now. What do you think?
Of course, I will try to remove the SOAPAction header line.
Table of Contents
Introduction to SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP Message Transmission and Processing
SOAP MEP (Message Exchange Patterns)
PHP SOAP Extension Client Programs
PHP SOAP Extension Server Programs
PHP SOAP Web Service Example - getTemp
Perl SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module
Perl Socket Test Program for HTTP and SOAP
Perl SOAP::Lite for NumberToWords SOAP 1.1 Web Service
►Perl SOAP::Lite for SOAP 1.2 Web Services
Message Styles Supported in SOAP::Lite
Methods on SOAP::Lite Client Object
Testing SOAP::Lite Client Objects
Differences between SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 - Testing on Local Host
soapversion('1.2') and envprefix('soap12') Must Used Together
default_ns() - Setting Namespace for Body Elements
►SOAP::Data - Utility Class to Generate XML Elements
SOAPAction - Not Needed, But No Way to Remove It - SOAP::Lite for SOAP 1.2 Web Service
Java Socket and HttpURLConnection for SOAP
SAAJ - SOAP with Attachments API for Java
SoapUI - SOAP Web Service Testing Tool
WS-Security - SOAP Message Security Extension
WS-Security X.509 Certificate Token
Perl SOAP::Lite for GetSpeech SOAP 1.1 Web Service
Perl SOAP::Lite 0.710 for SOAP 1.2 Web Services
Perl SOAP::Lite 0.710 for WSDL