Physics Notes - Herong's Tutorial Notes - v3.25, by Herong Yang
List of Various Distances and Lengths
This section lists various distances and lengths to give us a sense of scale about space.
The list below provides some reference distances and lengths to give us a sense of scale about space:
8.6 ly - Distance to star Sirius 4.2 ly - Distance to Proxima Centauri, a nearest star 149,597,870 km - Average distance from Earth to Sun 4,366,813 km - Circumference of Sun 1,392,684 km - Diameter of Sun 384,403 km - Average distance to Moon 40,008 km - Length of the equator of Earth 12,742 km - Average diameter of Earth 3,475 km - Diameter of Moon 8.85 km - Height of Mount Everest 930 m - Height of the world's tallest building in Dubai 105 m - Length of a soccer field 3 m - Average wavelength of FM radio waves 12.2 cm - Wavelength of microwaves in a microwave oven 24.26 mm - Diameter a US Quarter 0.2 mm - Diameter of horsehair 680 nm - Wavelength of red light 260 nm - Length of the smallest transistor in Pentium 3 chip 17 nm - Diameter of a smallest viruses Porcine circovirus 10 pm - Wavelength of gamma rays 2.2 fm - Diameter of neutron 1 fm - Diameter of proton
Table of Contents
Meter Based on Earth's Meridian
Meter Based on Seconds Pendulum
Meter Prefixes and Other Units
►List of Various Distances and Lengths
Introduction of Frame of Reference
Introduction of Special Relativity
Time Dilation in Special Relativity
Length Contraction in Special Relativity
The Relativity of Simultaneity
Minkowski Spacetime and Diagrams
Introduction of Generalized Coordinates