Perl Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v6.02, by Herong Yang
Socket Communication Over the Internet
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes on socket communication. Topics include the socket communication interface model; built-in functions for socket communication server and client; using listen() and accept() functions to play the server role; using connect() to play the client role.
connect() - Establishing a Socket Communication - A Simple Socket Server Program - A Simple Socket Client Program
Table of Contents
Data Types: Values and Variables
Expressions, Operations and Simple Statements
Name Spaces and Perl Module Files
Hard References - Addresses of Memory Objects
Objects (or References) and Classes (or Packages)
Typeglob and Importing Identifiers from Other Packages
String Built-in Functions and Performance
File Handles and Data Input/Output
Open Directories and Read File Names
File System Functions and Operations
►Socket Communication Over the Internet
XML::Simple Module - XML Parser and Generator
SOAP::Lite - SOAP Server-Client Communication Module
Perl Programs as IIS Server CGI Scripts
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
XML-RPC - Remote Procedure Call with XML and HTTP
RPC::XML - Perl Implementation of XML-RPC
Integrating Perl with Apache Web Server Module for Building Web Pages
LWP::UserAgent and Web Site Testing
Converting Perl Script to Executable Binary