Application Data Shared by Multiple Threads - Test Results

This section provides test results of a tutorial example on how to share application data by multiple threads. Data sharing allows multiple threads to work together on a single large task.

I performed several tests with the program presented in the previous section. Testing outputs are listed below.

Test on a new computer with 8 CPUs/processors and n_loop = 50:

Output of 4000 years and 1 thread:

herong> java WeekDayCounter 4000 1

Thread: 0
  Year: 0
  Year: 2043
  Year: 2340
  Year: 5932
  Year: 5999
Time = 1413
Thread #, Years
0, 4000
Total # of years = 4000

Output of 4000 years and 4 thread:

herong> java WeekDayCounter 4000 4

Thread: 0 1 2 3
  Year: 0 0 0 0
  Year: 0 0 0 0
  Year: 2032 2033 2031 2034
  Year: 2312 2328 2327 2331
  Year: 5919 5929 5928 5927
  Year: 5999 5999 5999 5999
Time = 746
Thread #, Years
0, 1073
1, 1014
2, 958
3, 958
Total # of years = 4003

Output of 4000 years and 8 thread:

herong> java WeekDayCounter 4000 8

Thread: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Year: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year: 2014 2039 2061 2086 2092 2097 2132 2114
  Year: 2346 2487 2640 2826 3025 3051 3269 3285
  Year: 4933 5031 5039 5270 5327 5438 5483 5649
  Year: 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999
Time = 812
Thread #, Years
0, 489
1, 506
6, 513
7, 511
Total # of years = 4003

Output of 4000 years and 16 thread:

herong> java WeekDayCounter 4000 16

Thread: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  Year: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Year: 2040 2033 2034 2029 2023 2032 2036 2022 2042 2037 2020 2041 2045 ...
  Year: 2171 2167 2176 2174 2166 2178 2172 2170 2165 2175 2169 2177 2179 ...
  Year: 2375 2482 2514 2816 3166 3647 3908 4453 4849 5115 5686 5785 5912 ...
  Year: 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 5999 ...
Time = 1006
Thread #, Years
0, 281
1, 286
14, 255
15, 200
Total # of years = 4003

A couple of interesting notes on the results:

Test on an old computer with 1 CPU/processor and n_loop = 1:

Output of 2000 years and 1 thread:

Thread: 0
  Year: 0
  Year: 2001
  Year: 2025
  Year: 3966
  Year: 3999
Time = 6029

Output of 2000 years and 5 threads:

Thread: 0 1 2 3 4
  Year: 0 0 0 0 0
  Year: 2039 2040 2043 2042 2044
  Year: 2067 2040 2048 2042 2044
  Year: 3992 3999 3999 3999 3999
  Year: 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999
Time = 6369

Output of 2000 years and 10 threads:

Thread: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  Year: 2936 2948 3237 3242 3208 2954 3182 3232 3169 2963
  Year: 2936 3303 3237 3242 3208 3272 3182 3232 3169 2963
  Year: 3495 3498 3237 3480 3974 3890 3996 3999 3999 2963
  Year: 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999
Time = 3925

Output of 2000 years and 10 threads - another run:

Thread: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  Year: 2222 2239 2174 2275 2245 2142 2213 0 0 2248
  Year: 2531 2283 2501 2510 2245 2142 2213 2460 2521 2470
  Year: 2531 2283 2583 2624 2547 2142 2213 2460 2556 2615
  Year: 3908 3949 3890 3978 3937 3991 3625 3396 3745 3426
  Year: 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999
Time = 6750

Output of 2000 years and 15 threads:

Thread: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  Year: 2039 2046 2053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2284 2363 2425 2387
  Year: 2212 2499 2088 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2284 2489 2461 2387
  Year: 2638 2655 2088 0 0 0 0 2615 2663 2645 2602 2630 2489 2461 2387
  Year: 3441 2885 2088 2921 3430 3169 3487 2903 3362 3222 3186 3499 ...
  Year: 3996 3841 3502 3836 3611 3815 3999 3501 3362 3993 3900 3885 ...
  Year: 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 3999 ...
Time = 6920

A couple of interesting notes on the results:

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JDK - Java Development Kit

 Execution Process, Entry Point, Input and Output

 Primitive Data Types and Literals

 Control Flow Statements

 Bits, Bytes, Bitwise and Shift Operations

 Managing Bit Strings in Byte Arrays

 Reference Data Types and Variables

 Enum Types and Enum Constants

 StringBuffer - The String Buffer Class

 System Properties and Runtime Object Methods

 Generic Classes and Parameterized Types

 Generic Methods and Type Inference

 Lambda Expressions and Method References

 Java Modules - Java Package Aggregation

Execution Threads and Multi-Threading Java Programs

 What Are Processes and Threads

 The "Thread" Class - Creating Thread Objects With Thread Sub Classes

 The "Runnable" Interface - Creating Thread Objects with Runnable Objects

 CPU Execution Time Shared by Multiple Threads

 CPU Execution Time Shared by Multiple Threads - Test Output

 Application Data Shared by Multiple Threads

Application Data Shared by Multiple Threads - Test Results

 interrupt() - Method to Terminate Thread

 ThreadGroup Class and "system" ThreadGroup Tree

 Synchronization Technique and Synchronized Code Blocks

 Deadlock Condition Example Programs

 Garbage Collection and the gc() Method

 Assert Statements and -ea" Option

 Annotation Statements and Declarations

 Java Related Terminologies

 Archived Tutorials


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