Floating-Point Data Types

This section describes value ranges and storage space sizes of floating-point data types: float and double.

Java supports 2 floating-point data types: byte, float and double.

From the data value point of view, each floating-point data type can represent the following real number values:

From the data storage point of view, each floating-point data type is stored its values differently:

For more information, read the 'IEEE 754 Standards - "float" and "double"' tutorial from my "C# Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples" book at herongyang.com/C-Sharp/Floating-Point-Data-Type-IEEE-754.html.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JDK - Java Development Kit

 Execution Process, Entry Point, Input and Output

Primitive Data Types and Literals

 Data Types Supported in Java

 Integer Data Types

Floating-Point Data Types

 Logical (Boolean) Data Type

 Literals of Primitive Types

 Literal Formats for Integers

 Literal Formats for Integers - Example

 Literal Formats for Floating-Point

 Literal Formats for Floating-Point - Example

 Literal Formats for Characters

 Literal Formats for Character - Example

 Control Flow Statements

 Bits, Bytes, Bitwise and Shift Operations

 Managing Bit Strings in Byte Arrays

 Reference Data Types and Variables

 Enum Types and Enum Constants

 StringBuffer - The String Buffer Class

 System Properties and Runtime Object Methods

 Generic Classes and Parameterized Types

 Generic Methods and Type Inference

 Lambda Expressions and Method References

 Java Modules - Java Package Aggregation

 Execution Threads and Multi-Threading Java Programs

 ThreadGroup Class and "system" ThreadGroup Tree

 Synchronization Technique and Synchronized Code Blocks

 Deadlock Condition Example Programs

 Garbage Collection and the gc() Method

 Assert Statements and -ea" Option

 Annotation Statements and Declarations

 Java Related Terminologies

 Archived Tutorials


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