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Title: Java Tools Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples

Author: Dr. Herong Yang

Category: Programming

Version/Edition: Version 6.10, 2018

Number of pages in PDF format: 235

Description: This tutorial book based on notes and sample codes collected by the author while he was learning Java tools himself. Topics includes: 'java/javaw' Launcher, 'javac' Compiler, 'javap' Class File Disassembler, 'jar/jarsigner' Archive Tool, 'jconsole' Console, 'jdb' Debugger, 'jhat' Heap Analysis Tool, 'jlink' JRE Linker, 'jmap' Memory Dumper, 'jmc' Mission Control, 'jstack' Stack Dumper, 'jstat' Statistics, 'jstatd' Statistics Deamon 'jvisualvm' Visual VM, 'keytool' Keystore Tool.

Keywords: java, javac, javaw, jar, jarsigner, javap, jconsole, jdb, jhat, jlink, jmap, jmc, jps, jshell, jstack, jstat, jstatd, jvisualvm, keytool, native2ascii.

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Table of Contents

About This Book

 Java Tools Terminology

 Java Tools Included in JDK

 javac - The Java Program Compiler

 jar - The JAR File Tool

 jlink - The JRE Linker

 jmod - The JMOD File Tool

 jimage - The JIMAGE File Tool

 java - The Java Program Launcher

 jdb - The Java Debugger

 jcmd - The JVM Diagnostic Tool

 jconsole - Java Monitoring and Management Console

 jstat - JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool

 JVM Troubleshooting Tools

 jvisualvm (Java VisualVM) - JVM Visual Tool

 jmc - Java Mission Control

 javap - The Java Class File Disassembler

 keytool - Public Key Certificate Tool

 jarsigner - JAR File Signer

 jshell - Java Language Shell

 native2ascii - Native-to-ASCII Encoding Converter

 Outdated Tutorials


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