Performance of Inserting Rows with a ResultSet

This section describes how to measure the performance of inserting rows using a ResultSet object.

Since ResultSet objects can also be used to insert rows, I wrote the following Java sample program to measure the performance of inserting multiple rows using a ResultSet object:

 * Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
public class MySqlPerformanceResultSet {
  public static void main(String [] args) {
    Connection con = null;
    try {
      com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource ds
        = new com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource();
      // com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource ds
      //   = new com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource();

      con = ds.getConnection();

// Delete all rows from the table
      Statement sta = con.createStatement();
      sta.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM Profile");

// Start the test
     int count = 10000;
     long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();

// ResultSet to insert rows
      Statement rs = con.createStatement(

      ResultSet res = rs.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Profile");
      Random r = new Random();
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

// End the test
     long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
     System.out.println("ResultSet insert "+count
         +" rows with "+(t2 -t1) +" milliseconds");

    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Exception: "+e.getMessage());

Here is the result on a macOS system with a 2.6 GHz processor, running JDK 13, MySQL 8.0.17 and MySQL Connector/J 8.0.19:

ResultSet insert 10000 rows with 5492 milliseconds

When I look at the inserted records, I notice that the insertRow() method failed to store default values on BirthDate and ModTime except for the first records. Here is the output of the first 10 records:

| ID    | FirstName | LastName | BirthDate  | ModTime             |
| 60006 | 547       | 22741    | 2000-12-31 | 2027-01-01 00:00:00 |
| 60007 | a2f       | 8954f    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60008 | 2632      | 74f88    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60009 | 1680      | a1708    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60010 | 1234      | 984fc    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60011 | 20d4      | 789e8    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60012 | 2037      | 79ba0    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60013 | f71       | d6b24    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60014 | 34f       | add23    | NULL       | NULL                |
| 60015 | 2310      | 889ca    | NULL       | NULL                |

I am not sure what is the root cause of this issue.

Here is summary of performance results on this program in the past with different versions of storage engine, MySQL, Java, and JDBC driver:

Operation: ResultSet INSERT

Execution   Storage   MySQL    Java      JDBC     Computer    CPU
Time (ms)   Engine    Server   Version   Driver   System      GHz
---------   -------   ------   -------   ------   -------     ---
     5492   MyISAM    8.0      13        8.0      macOS 10    2.6
     2312   MyISAM    5.5       8        5.1      Windows 7   2.5
   923466   InnoDB    5.5       8        5.1      Windows 7   2.5
     2312   MyISAM    5.0       6        5.0      Windows XP  1.0

As you can see, MySQL and JDBC driver 8.0 is much slower than MySQL and JDBC driver 5.5. Why? Maybe macOS 10 is slower than Windows 7?

Here is the comparison between PreparedStatement, regular and ResultSet INSERT operations on a macOS system with a 2.6 GHz processor, running JDK 13, MySQL 8.0.17 and MySQL Connector/J 8.0.19. Using ResultSet to insert records is about 1.7 times slower.

Storage engine: MyISAM

Operations           # of inserts   Time in ms.   Comparison
PreparedStatement    10000          3314          100%
Regular INSERT       10000          3348          101%
ResultSet            10000          5492          166%

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Introduction

 JDK (Java SE) Installation

 MySQL Installation on Windows

 MySQL JDBC Driver (MySQL Connector/J)

MySQL - PreparedStatement

 PreparedStatement Overview

 PreparedStatement with Parameters

 PreparedStatement in Batch Mode

 Performance of Inserting Rows with a PreparedStatement

 InnoDB (MySQL 5.5 Default Engine) Slower on INSERT

 Performance of Inserting Rows with a Regular Statement

Performance of Inserting Rows with a ResultSet

 MySQL - Reference Implementation of JdbcRowSet

 MySQL - JBDC CallableStatement

 MySQL CLOB (Character Large Object) - TEXT

 MySQL BLOB (Binary Large Object) - BLOB

 Using Connection Pool with JDBC

 Archived Tutorials


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