JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Introduction

This chapter provides a quick introduction about JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Topics include overview of JDBC; versions of JDBC; JDBC driver types; database connection with DriverManager and DataSource; JDBC driver class and connection URL for DriverManager.

What Is JDBC?

JDBC Version and History

JDBC Driver Types

Establishing Connections from JDBC to Databases

DriverManager - Loading JDBC Driver

DriverManager - Connection URL


Table of Contents

 About This Book

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Introduction

 JDK (Java SE) Installation

 MySQL Installation on Windows

 MySQL JDBC Driver (MySQL Connector/J)

 MySQL - PreparedStatement

 MySQL - Reference Implementation of JdbcRowSet

 MySQL - JBDC CallableStatement

 MySQL CLOB (Character Large Object) - TEXT

 MySQL BLOB (Binary Large Object) - BLOB

 Using Connection Pool with JDBC

 Archived Tutorials


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