URL Encoding on HTML Form Data - IE

This section provides a tutorial example on how Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0 is applying URL encoding on HTML form input data. IE uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding.

In order to test how a browser is doing URL encoding on HTML form data, I wrote this simple HTML page:

<!-- URL_Encoding_Form_Test.html
-- Copyright (c) 2002 HerongYang.com. All Rights Reserved.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>URL Encoding Test</title>
<h3>URL Encoding Test</h3>
<form action="URL_Encoding_Form_Test.html" method="GET">
Input: <input type=text size=24 maxlength=40 name=Name
value="和荣, how a u?">
<input name=submit value=Submit type=submit>

If you open this HTML page with Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0, you will see that there is an input string in a form ready to be submitted.

If you click the Submit button on the page, the input string will be URL encoded and submitted as part of a page request URL, which is showing on the refreshed browser window.

The page request URL showing on the browser is something like this:


Noticed that how the input string "和荣, how a u?" is URL encoded as "%E5%92%8C%E8%8D%A3%2C+how+a+u%3F".

This test confirms that:

See the screenshot below for the encoded input date in page request URL:
URL Encoding on Form Data - IE

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Base64 Encoding

 Base64 Encoding and Decoding Tools

 Base64URL - URL Safe Base64 Encoding

 Base32 Encoding

URL Encoding, URI Encoding, or Percent Encoding

 What Is URL/URI Encoding?

 URL Encoding Variations

URL Encoding on HTML Form Data - IE

 URL Encoding on HTML Form Data - Firefox

 application/x-www-form-urlencoded Encoding in Java

 URI String and Components in Java

 URL Encoding Support in PHP

 UUEncode Encoding


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB