Data Encoding Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v5.23, by Herong Yang
Perl Implementation of Base64URL Encoding
This section provides a tutorial example on how to perform Base64URL encoding on binary files using my own implementation in Perl.
Unfortunately, Perl does not provide any default implementation of Base64URL encoding. So we have to do it ourself.
Here is a sample program that allows you to perform Base64URL encoding/decoding and other variations.
# # Copyright (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved. use MIME::Base64; my $count = scalar(@ARGV); if ($count<4) { print("Usage:\n"); print("perl mode standard input output\n"); exit; } my ($mode, $standard, $inputFile, $outputFile) = @ARGV; $size = -s $inputFile; open(IN, "< $inputFile"); binmode(IN); read(IN, $inputBytes, $size); $outputBytes = ""; if ($mode eq "decode") { if ($standard=="url") { $inputBytes =~ s/-/+/sg; $inputBytes =~ s/_/\//sg; } $outputBytes = decode_base64($inputBytes); } else { $outputBytes = encode_base64($inputBytes); if ($standard eq "mime") { } elsif ($standard eq "url") { $outputBytes =~ s/\r|\n//sg; $outputBytes =~ s/\+/-/sg; $outputBytes =~ s/\//_/sg; $outputBytes =~ s/=//sg; } else { $outputBytes =~ s/\r|\n//sg; } } print($outputBytes."\n"); open(OUT, "> $outputFile"); binmode(OUT); print(OUT $outputBytes);
Let's try it with different test cases:
herong$ perl encode url A.txt encoded.txt QQ herong$ perl decode url encoded.txt decoded.txt A herong$ perl encode url lazy_dog.txt encoded.txt VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wcyBvdmVyIHRoZSBsYXp5IGRvZy4= herong$ perl decode url encoded.txt decoded.txt The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. herong$ perl encode url url.txt encoded.txt aS5odG0_NjQ-NjM herong$ perl decode url encoded.txt decoded.txt i.htm?64>63 herong$ perl encode standard url.txt encoded.txt aS5odG0/NjQ+NjM= herong$ php Base64_Tool.php decode standard encoded.txt decoded.txt i.htm?64>63 herong$ php Base64_Tool.php encode url icon.png encoded.txt iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABgAAAAY ... HwXgCfzQYOFCEQYGAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC herong$ php Base64_Tool.php decode url encoded.txt decoded.txt ?PNG...
As you can see, my implementation of Base64URL in Perl works as expected.
Table of Contents
Base64 Encoding and Decoding Tools
►Base64URL - URL Safe Base64 Encoding
Java Built-In Implementation of Base64URL
Python Built-In Implementation of Base64URL
PHP Implementation of Base64URL Encoding
►Perl Implementation of Base64URL Encoding