madebits Implementation of Base32 in C++

This section provides a C++ implementation of the Base32 encoding algorithm by

If you are trying to implement Base32 encoding in C++, you can look at the source code developed by Vasian Cepa at

// Base32.cpp
// (c) Vasian Cepa

#include "Base32.h"

int Base32::GetEncode32Length(int bytes)
   int bits = bytes * 8;
   int length = bits / 5;
   if((bits % 5) > 0)
   return length;

int Base32::GetDecode32Length(int bytes)
   int bits = bytes * 5;
   int length = bits / 8;
   return length;

static bool Encode32Block(unsigned char* in5, unsigned char* out8)
      // pack 5 bytes
      unsigned __int64 buffer = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if(i != 0)
                    buffer = (buffer << 8);
            buffer = buffer | in5[i];
      // output 8 bytes
      for(int j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
            buffer = buffer << (24 + (7 - j) * 5);
            buffer = buffer >> (24 + (7 - j) * 5);
            unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(buffer >> (j * 5));
            // self check
            if(c >= 32) return false;
            out8[7 - j] = c;
      return true;

bool Base32::Encode32(unsigned char* in, int inLen,
   unsigned char* out)
   if((in == 0) || (inLen <= 0) || (out == 0)) return false;

   int d = inLen / 5;
   int r = inLen % 5;

   unsigned char outBuff[8];

   for(int j = 0; j < d; j++)
      if(!Encode32Block(&in[j * 5], &outBuff[0])) return false;
      memmove(&out[j * 8], &outBuff[0], sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);

   unsigned char padd[5];
   memset(padd, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * 5);
   for(int i = 0; i < r; i++)
      padd[i] = in[inLen - r + i];
   if(!Encode32Block(&padd[0], &outBuff[0])) return false;
   memmove(&out[d * 8], &outBuff[0], sizeof(unsigned char)
      * GetEncode32Length(r));

   return true;

static bool Decode32Block(unsigned char* in8, unsigned char* out5)
      // pack 8 bytes
      unsigned __int64 buffer = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            // input check
            if(in8[i] >= 32) return false;
            if(i != 0)
                    buffer = (buffer << 5);
            buffer = buffer | in8[i];
      // output 5 bytes
      for(int j = 4; j >= 0; j--)
            out5[4 - j] = (unsigned char)(buffer >> (j * 8));
      return true;

bool Base32::Decode32(unsigned char* in, int inLen,
   unsigned char* out)
   if((in == 0) || (inLen <= 0) || (out == 0)) return false;

   int d = inLen / 8;
   int r = inLen % 8;

   unsigned char outBuff[5];

   for(int j = 0; j < d; j++)
      if(!Decode32Block(&in[j * 8], &outBuff[0])) return false;
      memmove(&out[j * 5], &outBuff[0], sizeof(unsigned char) * 5);

   unsigned char padd[8];
   memset(padd, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);
   for(int i = 0; i < r; i++)
      padd[i] = in[inLen - r + i];
   if(!Decode32Block(&padd[0], &outBuff[0])) return false;
   memmove(&out[d * 5], &outBuff[0], sizeof(unsigned char)
      * GetDecode32Length(r));

   return true;

bool Base32::Map32(unsigned char* inout32, int inout32Len,
   unsigned char* alpha32)
      if((inout32 == 0) || (inout32Len <= 0) || (alpha32 == 0))
         return false;
      for(int i = 0; i < inout32Len; i++)
            if(inout32[i] >=32) return false;
            inout32[i] = alpha32[inout32[i]];
      return true;

static void ReverseMap(unsigned char* inAlpha32,
   unsigned char* outMap)
      memset(outMap, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * 256);
      for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            outMap[(int)inAlpha32[i]] = i;

bool Base32::Unmap32(unsigned char* inout32, int inout32Len,
   unsigned char* alpha32)
      if((inout32 == 0) || (inout32Len <= 0) || (alpha32 == 0))
         return false;
      unsigned char rmap[256];
      ReverseMap(alpha32, rmap);
      for(int i = 0; i < inout32Len; i++)
            inout32[i] = rmap[(int)inout32[i]];
      return true;

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Base64 Encoding

 Base64 Encoding and Decoding Tools

 Base64URL - URL Safe Base64 Encoding

Base32 Encoding

 Base32 Encoding Algorithm

 Base32 Character Set Maps

 Bitpedia Implementation of Base32 in Java

 Bitpedia Implementation of Base32 in Java - Test

 Andre's Implementation of Base32 in PHP

 Andre's Implementation of Base32 in PHP - Test

madebits Implementation of Base32 in C++

 URL Encoding, URI Encoding, or Percent Encoding

 UUEncode Encoding


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB