Bitcoin Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes - v1.07, by Herong Yang
bitcoin-cli Network Commands
This section describes how to use 'bitcoin-cli getblock' command.
Once I have my Bitcoin Core Daemon running on the Bitcoin test network, the most important commands to learn are "bitcoin-cli" network commands which allows you see the Bitcoin network and control your connection to the network.
1. Run Bitcoin Core Daemon on the test network in a command window.
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoind -testnet
2. Run Bitcoin Core CLI in another command window and check the uptime:
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet uptime 178913
3. Get the height of the blockchain maintained by the network.
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getchaintips [ { "height": 1029998, "hash": "00000000000121674d133d45b91941c6168b4c19d32f529432a4c184174d0b86", "branchlen": 1029998, "status": "headers-only" }, { "height": 0, "hash": "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943", "branchlen": 0, "status": "active" } ]
4. Get the number of blocks that have been synchronized on my local Bitcoin Core Daemon so far.
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockcount 119723 C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockcount 124188
5. Get the number of peers that I am currently connected to:
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getconnectioncount 5
6. Get connection details with my peers.
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet getpeerinfo [ { "id": 15, "addr": "", "addrlocal": "yy.yy.yy.yy:59934", "addrbind": "zz.zz.zz.zz:59934", "services": "000000000000000d", "relaytxes": true, "lastsend": 1518359089, "lastrecv": 1518359090, "bytessent": 2351, "bytesrecv": 479395, "conntime": 1518359084, ... }, { "id": 17, "addr": "nn.nn.nn.nn:18333", "addrlocal": "yy.yy.yy.yy:59936", "addrbind": "zz.zz.zz.zz:59936", "services": "000000000000000d", "relaytxes": true, "lastsend": 1518359088, "lastrecv": 1518359088, "bytessent": 2046, "bytesrecv": 1582, "conntime": 1518359086, ... }, ... ]
7. Stop connections to the network. I can resume it later with "setnetworkactive true".
C:\>\local\bitcoin-0.15.1\bin\bitcoin-cli -testnet setnetworkactive false false
Table of Contents
Access Bitcoin Test Network "-testnet"
"bitcoin-cli getblock" Command
bitcoin-cli Transaction Commands
"bitcoin-cli encryptwallet" - Set Wallet Password
"bitcoin-cli walletpassphrase" - Unlock Wallet
"bitcoin-cli backupwallet" - Backup Wallet