Archived: mysql_connect() - Creating MySQL Connections

This section describes how to create an object to represent the connection to a MySQL server.

If you want perform any database transactions to a MySQL server, you must create a connection object first by calling the mysql_connect() function. A MySQL server may have multiple databases, so you also need to select a database as the current target database by calling the mysql_select_db() function.

Here are the calling formats of these two functions:

$con = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
$ok = mysql_select_db($database, $con);

The following script shows you how to connect to a local MySQL server, obtained server information, and closed the connection:

#- MySQL-Connection.php
#- Copyright (c) 2005 All Rights Reserved.
  $server = "localhost";
  $username = "Herong";
  $password = "TopSecret";
  $database = "HerongDB";
  $con = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
  $ok = mysql_select_db($database, $con);

  print("Host Info: ".mysql_get_host_info()."\n");
  print("Server Info: ".mysql_get_server_info()."\n");
  print("Client Info: ".mysql_get_client_info()."\n");

The output confirms that the connection was created correctly:

C:\herong> \local\php\php MySQL-Connection.php
Host Info: localhost via TCP/IP
Server Info: 5.0.45-community-nt
Client Info: 5.0.37

Note that many MySQL functions do not take the connection object as input parameters. But they do use the latest connection object implicitly.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 PHP Installation on Windows Systems

 Integrating PHP with Apache Web Server

 charset="*" - Encodings on Chinese Web Pages

 Chinese Characters in PHP String Literals

 Multibyte String Functions in UTF-8 Encoding

 Input Text Data from Web Forms

 Input Chinese Text Data from Web Forms

 MySQL - Installation on Windows

 MySQL - Connecting PHP to Database

 MySQL - Character Set and Encoding

 MySQL - Sending Non-ASCII Text to MySQL

 Retrieving Chinese Text from Database to Web Pages

 Input Chinese Text Data to MySQL Database

 Chinese Text Encoding Conversion and Corruptions

Archived Tutorials

 Archived: Download and Install PHP 5.2.2 on Windows

 Archived: Downloading Apache 2.2.4 Binary for Windows

 Archived: Installing Apache 2.2.4 on Windows Systems

 Archived: MySQL 5.0 Download, Installation and Start

 Archived: php_mysql.dll - Configuring PHP to Use MySQL Extension

 Archived: Commonly Used php_mysql.dll Functions

Archived: mysql_connect() - Creating MySQL Connections

 Archived: Character Set Variables on MySQL 5

 Archived: Non-ASCII Test Analysis on MySQL 5

 Archived: Fetching Non-ASCII Text from MySQL 5

 Archived: Sending Text in Latin1 Encoding to MySQL 5

 Archived: Sending Text in UTF8 Encoding to MySQL 5


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