Verifying Tomcat Server

This section provides a tutorial example on how to verify Apache Tomcat server on a local system by accessing http://localhost:8080 on a Web browser.

When Tomcat server is started, it will serve as Web server on the local host at the default port, 8080. Here is what I did to verify this:

1. Start a Web browser like Chrome and enter this URL: http://localhost:8080/. You should see a default home page like this:

Apache Tomcat Default Home Page
Apache Tomcat Default Home Page

2. Click on the "Server Status" button on the right hand side of the screen. You should see a Windows Security dialog box that prompts you to enter server admin login and password.

At this point, I know my Tomcat server is running correctly on my local host.

3. If you enter "herong" as username and "tomcat" as password, the dialog box comes back again, indicating that the username or the password is invalid.

4. If you click on the "Cancel" button, you will get the "401 Unauthorized" screen, indicating that the authorization of accessing the admin pages failed.

Read next tutorials on how to set up admin username and password properly.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JSP (JavaServer Pages) Overview

Tomcat Installation on Windows Systems

 Downloading and Installing Tomcat

 Launching Tomcat Server

Verifying Tomcat Server

 Setting Up Tomcat Server Admin Access

 Reviewing Tomcat Server Status Page

 Tomcat Web Application Manager

 My First HTML Page - hello.html

 My First JSP Page - hello.jsp

 JSP Scripting Elements

 Java Servlet Introduction

 JSP Implicit Objects

 Syntax of JSP Pages and JSP Documents

 JSP Application Session

 Managing Cookies in JSP Pages

 JavaBean Objects and "useBean" Action Elements

 Managing HTTP Response Header Lines

 Non-ASCII Characters Support in JSP Pages

 Performance of JSP Pages

 EL (Expression Language)

 Overview of JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Libraries)

 JSTL Core Library

 JSP Custom Tags

 JSP Java Tag Interface

 Custom Tag Attributes

 Multiple Tags Working Together

 File Upload Test Application

 Using Tomcat on CentOS Systems

 Using Tomcat on macOS Systems

 Connecting to SQL Server from Servlet

 Developing Web Applications with Servlet

 Archived Tutorials


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