Commons DBCP for Connection Pooling

This section provides a quick introduction on Commons DBCP, which is a popular open source JDBC database connection pool library developed by Apache.

Commons DBCP is a popular open source JDBC database connection pool library developed by Apache. Here is what I did to download Commons DBCP on my local computer.

1. Go to Commons DBCP Website at

2. Click "Downloads" link and download "".

3. Unzip the download file to get the JAR file:

  207774 Jan 22  2020 commons-dbcp2-2.8.0.jar

According to the documentation, we have 3 options to create a connection pool with Commons DBCP:

1. Using org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource class, which implements the standard JDBC javax.sql.DataSource interface to manage the connection pool with JavaBean style properties.

2. Using org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolingDataSource class, which implements the standard JDBC javax.sql.DataSource interface to manage the connection pool with a manually created object pool.

3. Using org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolingDriver class, which implements the standard JDBC javax.sql.Driver interface to manage the connection pool with a custom JDBC driver.

To use Commons DBCP 2.8.0, you also need to download 2 more Apache Java packages:

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Introduction

 JDK (Java SE) Installation

 Installing and Running Derby (Java DB)

 Derby (Java DB) JDBC Driver

 Derby (Java DB) JDBC DataSource Objects

 Derby (Java DB) - DML Statements

 Derby (Java DB) - ResultSet Objects of Queries

 Derby (Java DB) - PreparedStatement

 Summary of JDBC Drivers and Database Servers

Using Connection Pool with JDBC

 What Is Database Connection Pool

Commons DBCP for Connection Pooling

 Connection Pooling with Commons DBCP BasicDataSource

 Connection Pooling with Commons DBCP PoolingDriver

 C3P0 for Connection Pooling

 Connection Pooling with C3P0 ComboPooledDataSource

 Connection Pooling with C3P0 DataSources

 Archived Tutorials


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