Flash Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - v3.03, by Dr. Herong Yang
Downloading and Installing Flex SDK 4.1
This section provides a tutorial example on how to download and install Adobe Flex SDK 4.1 on Windows system.
What Is Adobe Flex? Adobe Flex is a Software Development Kit (SDK) released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform. Adobe Flex is free and open source.
Let's download a copy and try it:
1. Go to http://www.adobe.com/go/flex4_sdk_download.
2. Click "Download now" button. The file is big. It will take some time to complete the download.
3. Unzip the downloaded flex_sdk_4.1.zip to folder \local\flex.
4. Open a command window and try this command:
C:\herong>\local\flex\bin\mxmlc -version Version 4.1.0 build 16076
Ok. Download and installation is done.
Table of Contents
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Chrome
Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Safari
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX for IE
Using "object" Elements for Flash Files
Using "embed" Elements for Flash Files
"mp3player" - MP3 Music Player
SWFObject - Hidding "object" behind JavaScript
SWFTools - SWF File Manipulation Tools
SWFC Script to Generate Flash SWF Files
ActionScript Embedded in SWFC Script
AS3Compile - ActionScript 3 Compiler
►Downloading and Installing Flex SDK 4.1
MXML Example Using Spark Components
Compiling ActionScript 3 Scripts with 'mxmlc'
Dumping SWF Files Containing ActionScript 3 Statements
Dumping SWF Files Generated from ActionScript 3 Classes
Dumping SWF Files Generated from MXML Applications