This section describes 4 forms of 'If' statements supported in VBScript. The more complex form is 'If ... ElseIf ... Else ... End If'.
There are 4 forms of "If" statements supported in VBScript:
1. Single-statement "If":
If condition Then statement
where "condition" is Boolean value, and "statement" specify another statement.
The specified statement will be executed,
if and only if the specified condition is evaluated to "True".
2. Multi-statement "If":
If condition Then
statement_block (multiple statements)
End If
The specified multi-statement block will be executed,
if and only if the specified condition is evaluated to "True".
3. "If ... Else" Statement:
If condition Then
End If
Two statement blocks are specified. But only one statement block will be executed based on the value of
the specified condition. If the specified condition is "True", the first block will be executed.
If the specified condition is "False", the second block will be executed.
4. "If ... ElseIf" Statement:
If condition_1 Then
ElseIf condition_2 Then
End If
Many statement blocks are specified. But only one statement block will be executed based on the value of
the condition specified for that block.