"find -L . -name" - Search Files on Android System

This section provides a tutorial example on how to use the 'find -L . -name' command on the 'adb shell' interface to search files on Android systems.

If you are looking for specific files on an Android system, you can use the "find -L . -name" command on the "adb shell" interface as shown in examples below.

1. Find a find with a given name under a given directory. I need to find the file "Resume.pdf" I saved from an email. The "-L" option is to follow symbolic links when searching sub-directories.

herong$ adb shell find -L /storage -name Resume.pdf

find: No /storage/emulated: Permission denied

2. Find all directories related to a keyword: "YouTube". The "2>/dev/null" pipe option is to trash "permission denied” and other error messages.

herong$ adb shell find -L / -name YouTube 2>/dev/null


This command may take a long time to finish, since it searches the entire file system hierarchy. You can terminate it by pressing Control-C.

3. Find files with a given pattern: "*.mp4".

herong$ adb shell find -L /storage -name *.mp4

  (Videos received from Messenger)
  (Videos recorded from Camera)
  (Videos used by the Sudoku app)

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Installing JDK 1.8 on Windows System

 Installation of Android SDK R24 and Emulator

 Installing Apache Ant 1.9 on Windows System

 Developing First Android Application - HelloAndroid

 Android Application Package (APK) Files

 Android Debug Bridge (adb) Tool

Android File Systems

 File System Hierarchy and Common Directories

 "df -H" - Display Mounted File Systems

 "mount" - Display Mounted File Systems

"find -L . -name" - Search Files on Android System

 AboutAndroid - Application to Retrieve System Information

 android.app.Activity Class and Activity Lifecycle

 View Objects and Layout Resource Files

 Using "adb logcat" Command for Debugging

 Build Process and Package File Content

 Building Your Own Web Browser

 Android Command Line Shell

 Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Mini Tablet

 USB Debugging Applications on Samsung Tablet

 Android Tablet - LG-V905R

 USB Debugging Applications on LG-V905R Tablet

 Android Phone - LG-P925g

 USB Debugging Applications on LG-P925g Phone

 Archived Tutorials


 Full Version in PDF/EPUB