This section describes a tutorial example on how to see validation errors on a non-conforming XML document with the assigned XML Schema file (XSD) using XMLPad.
In order to see how XMLPad behaves with XSD validation errors,
let's add a new element to our first XML document, first_html_xsd.xml,
to make it not conforming with our first XSD document, first_html.xsd.
1. Run XMLPad and click menu File > Open. Select c:\herong\first_html_xsd.xml in the "Open"
dialog box. XMLPad displays the XML document in the edit window:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file:///C:/herong/first_html.xsd"
<body>My first HTML document in XML format.</body>
2. Add the "p" element inside the "body" element:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file:///C:/xsd/first_html.xsd"
<p>My first HTML document in XML format.</p>
3. Click menu XML > Validate. XMLPad will validate the current XML document against
the rules defined in the assigned XSD file.
One validation error will be displayed in the Task List window:
"Encountered child p{} that was not expected in element body{} - Line 5".
4. Double click on the error message, XMLPad will display Line 5
in red to highlight where is the error is.
5. Click menu File > Save As to save the modified XML document as c:\herong\first_html_xsd_invalid.xml.
XMLPad seems to be a good tool to debug XSD validation error with this error line highlight feature.