XML Schema Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples
Dr. Herong Yang, Version 4.11

Built-in Datatype - "decimal" Errors

This section describes a tutorial example on validation errors against decimal restriction facets.

In the previous section, we created a schema using "decimal" datatype with different restriction facets. Now we are going to create an XML document, decimal_datatype_error.xml, with several validation errors:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Here is the output of XsdSchemaValidator.java:

>java" XsdSchemaValidator decimal_datatype.xsd

   Line number: 6
   Column number: 3
   Message: cvc-maxInclusive-valid: Value '1003' is not facet-valid
   with respect to maxInclusive '1000' for type 

   Line number: 6
   Column number: 3
   Message: cvc-attribute.3: The value '1003' of attribute 
   'quantity' on element 'orderLine' is not valid with respect to 
   its type, 'null'.

   Line number: 6
   Column number: 3
   Message: cvc-fractionDigits-valid: Value '19.9999' has 4 
   fraction digits, but the number of fraction digits has been
   limited to 2.

   Line number: 6
   Column number: 3
   Message: cvc-attribute.3: The value '19.9999' of attribute 
   'price' on element 'orderLine' is not valid with respect to 
   its type, 'null'.

   Line number: 6
   Column number: 3
   Message: cvc-minInclusive-valid: Value '9.99' is not facet-valid
   with respect to minInclusive '10.01' for type 

   Line number: 6
   Column number: 3
   Message: cvc-attribute.3: The value '9.99' of attribute 
   'subTotal' on element 'orderLine' is not valid with respect to 
   its type, 'null'.

Failed with errors: 6

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to XML Schema

 XML Editor and Schema Processor - XMLPad

 Java API for XML Processing - JAXP

 JAXP - XML Schema (XSD) Validation

 XML Parser API - Xerces2 Java Parser

 XML Schema Language - Basics

XML Schema Built-in Datatypes

 Overview of XML Schema Built-in Datatypes

 List of Built-in Datatypes

 Deriving from Built-in Datatypes - simpleType

 Built-in Datatype - "string"

 Built-in Datatype - "string" Errors

 Built-in Datatype - "dateTime"

 Built-in Datatype - "dateTime" Errors

 Built-in Datatype - "decimal"

Built-in Datatype - "decimal" Errors

 Complex Element Declaration

 XML Schema Location and Namespace in XML Documents

 Overriding Element Types in XML Documents

 Linking Multiple Schema Documents Together



 PDF Printing Version

Dr. Herong Yang, updated in 2009
Built-in Datatype - "decimal" Errors