Sorting Algorithm Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - 6.12, by Herong Yang
Selection Sort - Implementation in Perl
This section provides a tutorial on how to implement the Selection Sort algorithm in Perl.
Selection Sort is a simple and slow sorting algorithm that repeatedly selects the lowest or highest element from the un-sorted section and moves it to the end of the sorted section.
The basic idea of Selection Sort algorithm can be described as these steps:
1. Data elements are grouped into two sections: a sorted section and an un-sorted section.
2. Assuming the sorting order is from low to high, find the element with the lowest comparable order from the un-sorted section.
3. Place the found element to the end of the sorted section.
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until no more elements left in the un-sorted section.
The idea of selection sort comes from our daily life experiences. For example, at the end of card game, if you want to sort all the cards by rank and suit, you would put all the cards on the table, face up, find the lowest rank card, add it to the sorted piles, one pile per suit.
Here is my Perl implementation of Selection Sort algorithm:
#- #- Copyright (c) 2015 All Rights Reserved. #- sub selectionSort { my ($a, $fromIndex, $toIndex) = @_; for ($i=$fromIndex; $i<$toIndex; $i++) { $k = $i; for ($j=$i+1; $j<$toIndex; $j++) { if (($a->[$k])>$a->[$j]) { $k = $j; } } $d = $a->[$i]; $a->[$i] = $a->[$k]; $a->[$k] = $d; } } # Functions for other sorting algorithms ... #- End 1;
The following diagram illustrates how this implementation works:
-----------29 | 36 39 67 ... 42 | | | | | +-----------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-------------------+ | | | | | 4 ... 17 20 24 53----------- | | | | | fromIndex i-1 i k toIndex-1
Note that:
Here are the performance test results of selectionSort() function using Perl 5.18
Array size: 10000 Average sorting time: 8053.67790527344 milliseconds Number of tests: 10 Performance: 805.367790527344 O(N) microseconds Performance: 60.6099656225891 O(N*Log2(N)) microseconds Performance: 0.0805367790527344 O(N*N) microseconds Array size: 20000 Average sorting time: 31248.7899414062 milliseconds Number of tests: 10 Performance: 1562.43949707031 O(N) microseconds Performance: 109.355469620644 O(N*Log2(N)) microseconds Performance: 0.0781219748535156 O(N*N) microseconds Array size: 30000 Average sorting time: 68985.4992675781 milliseconds Number of tests: 1 Performance: 2299.5166422526 O(N) microseconds Performance: 154.613521828749 O(N*Log2(N)) microseconds Performance: 0.0766505547417535 O(N*N) microseconds
The results showed that the performance of insertion method is O(N*N), because the last performance line gave me a constant, when I increased the array size.
Here is the comparison of selectionSort() performance with other sorting functions. As you can see, Selection Sort is much slower than Insertion Sort.
Array Size 10000 20000 30000 100000 200000 300000 ---------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ ------ JDK Arrays.sort 25 66 112 PHP sort() 3 7 13 75 Perl sort() 11 22 36 171 Insertion Sort 4125 16015 37098 Selection Sort 8054 31249 68985
Table of Contents
Introduction of Sorting Algorithms
Java API for Sorting Algorithms
Insertion Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Selection Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Bubble Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Quicksort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Merge Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Heap Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Shell Sort Algorithm and Java Implementation
Sorting Algorithms Implementations in PHP
►Sorting Algorithms Implementations in Perl - Sorting Performance Test
Insertion Sort - Implementation in Perl
►Selection Sort - Implementation in Perl
Bubble Sort - Implementation in Perl
Quicksort - Implementation in Perl
Merge Sort - Implementation in Perl
Heap Sort - Implementation in Perl
Shell Sort - Implementation in Perl
Sorting Algorithms Implementations in Python