Website Statistics - - 2.96, by Herong Yang
Most Popular Search Queries
The most popular search queries based on query strings used in referral URLs for last 105 days of year 2006.
The following table shows the most popular search queries for last 105 days of year 2006, between 17-Sep-2006 and 31-Dec-2006. Data used in this table come from the search query report generated by Analog 6.0 using log files from
%hits search query ------ ------------ 1.46% jstl tutorial 1.37% vsadd in 0.71% vsadd in.dll 0.50% jstl tutorials 0.32% php http request 0.26% microsoft script debugger 0.24% c:foreach 0.23% crossover network 0.23% xsd syntax 0.21% jstl syntax 0.18% jstl 0.14% jce tutorial 0.14% error 20 at 0 depth lookup 0.14% php notes 0.13% java cipher 0.11% jsp request 0.11% <c:foreach 0.11% jsp cookie 0.10% php soap example 0.10% vsadd 0.09% remove vsadd in 0.09% php request variables 93.03% (others...)
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