MSE (Mean Squared Error)

This section describes MSE (Mean Squared Error) as a metric to evaluate the performance of a continuous prediction model.

What Is MSE (Mean Squared Error)? - MSE is a commonly used metric to evaluate the performance of a continuous prediction model. It takes the average value of squared errors of all samples.

Given a prediction model and a set of test samples, the MSE of the model on the test set is defined below:


Obviously, if MSE = 0, the model is 100% accurate on the test set.

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Deep Playground for Classical Neural Networks

 Building Neural Networks with Python

 Simple Example of Neural Networks

 TensorFlow - Machine Learning Platform

 PyTorch - Machine Learning Platform

 Gradio - ML Demo Platform

 CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)

 RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)

 GNN (Graph Neural Network)

 GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)

Performance Evaluation Metrics

MSE (Mean Squared Error)

 CI (Concordance Index)

 PCC (Pearson Correlation Coefficient)


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