JavaScript Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Examples - 2.33, by Herong Yang
Running JavaScript Code with 'jrunscript'
This section describes 3 ways to run JavaScript code with the scripting shell, 'jrunscript': interactive mode, batch mode and command line mode.
The JDK script shell, "jrunscript", allows you to run JavaScript codes in three ways:
Let's try the command line mode first. There are 2 challenges when entering JavaScript code in the command line:
Here are some examples of running "jrunscript" to evaluate JavaScript codes specified in command line:
C:\herong>\progra~1\java\jdk-10.0.1\bin\jrunscript \ -e "print('Hello World!');" Hello World! C:\herong>\progra~1\java\jdk-10.0.1\bin\jrunscript \ -e "msg='Hello World!'; print(msg);" Hello World! C:\herong>\progra~1\java\jdk-10.0.1\bin\jrunscript \ -e "var i, j, is_prime; for ( i=3; i<=30; i+=2 ) { is_prime = true; \ for ( j=2; j<=i/2; j++) { is_prime = i%j > 0; if (!is_prime) \ break;} if (is_prime) println('Found a prime number: ' + i); }" Found a prime number: 3 Found a prime number: 5 Found a prime number: 7 Found a prime number: 11 Found a prime number: 13 Found a prime number: 17 Found a prime number: 19 Found a prime number: 23 Found a prime number: 29
Note that all "jrunscript" commands were entered in a single command line. I split them into multiple lines because the book page width is limited.
Table of Contents
ECMAScript Language Specification and JavaScript Dialects
Data Types, Variables and Expressions
Creating, Accessing, and Manipulating Arrays
Defining and Calling Functions
Web Browser Supporting JavaScript
Server-Side and Client-Side Web Scripting
Defining Your Own Object Types
Inheritance of Properties and Methods through the Prototype Object Chain
►'jrunscript' - JavaScript Shell Command from JDK
Downloading and Installing JDK 10
"jrunscript" - Scripting Shell Command and Options
►Running JavaScript Code with 'jrunscript'
Evaluating JavaScript Code with 'jrunscript' Interactively
Running a JavaScript Code File with 'jrunscript'
Using Functions as "Function" Objects
Introduction to Built-in Object Types
W3C's Document Object Model (DOM) Specifications