Prototype Object Chain Summary

This section provides a quick summary of object property and method inheritance through the prototype object chain.

Here is a summary of how object, constructor, and prototype are related to each other.

Here is my diagram representing relations of object, constructor, and prototype. It also shows how object properties and methods are inherited from its parent prototypes:
Multi-Level Prototype Inheritance

Table of Contents

 About This Book

 Introduction to JavaScript

 ECMAScript Language Specification and JavaScript Dialects

 Data Types, Variables and Expressions

 Flow Control Statements

 Creating, Accessing, and Manipulating Arrays

 Defining and Calling Functions

 Web Browser Supporting JavaScript

 Server-Side and Client-Side Web Scripting

 Introduction to Objects

 Defining Your Own Object Types

Inheritance of Properties and Methods through the Prototype Object Chain

 Inheriting from Constructor's Prototype Object

 Changing the Constructor's Prototype Object

 Inheriting Properties from Two Level Prototype Objects

 Built-in Properties and Methods in "Object.prototype"

 Using "hasOwnProperty()" Method to Test Inherited Properties

 Setting the "constructor" Property in the "prototype" Object

 Adding Local Methods at the Object Level

 Adding Inherited Methods at the Prototype Level

 Building Multiple Levels of Prototype Objects

Prototype Object Chain Summary

 'jrunscript' - JavaScript Shell Command from JDK

 Using Functions as "Function" Objects

 Introduction to Built-in Object Types

 W3C's Document Object Model (DOM) Specifications


 PDF Printing Version